Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Topic of "Reincarnation"?

Author's POV

It was already time for the school to come to close, the group decided that they should already probably head home.

Once they got outside the school they all bid their farewells to Minju as she had to go the other way, to go home. Chaeryeong kept on insisting that one of the boys should be with her, just for safety precautions, but Minju said that she'll be fine. Chaeryeong then soon after started a discussion within the group.


After spending a couple of minutes of talking with Minju, they finally agreed on the terms, of Minju going back to her own dorm, alone.

They soon then started bidding - once again - to Minju, after that very long discussion whether she should head home alone or not. In the end she still did, after using the "older" card against Chaeryeong and the others.


The group is currently walking in silence, nobody dared to speak. It was getting more awkward by the minute. That is until Taehyun decided to break it, before it gets any more awkward in the group.

"So is it just me or has anyone else noticed the similarities of some people in our topic and the actual people who's working with us for the group project?" Taehyun said to the others asking them. The others then nodded their heads, in agreement with Taehyun.

"I know right? It's very weird of that to happen..." Chaeryeong said to Taehyun, agreeing with him.

"Maybe it's a coincidence?" Ryujin said to Chaeryeong and Taehyun as she looked at them.

"A coincidence?" Chaeryeong said to Ryujin asking her, while looking back at her.

Taehyun then scoffed before replying to Ryujin. This made the other members of the group look over at his place. "A coincidence? Yeah right, a coincidence that forever will never be discovered." Taehyun said to the others, but as he said that he suddenly thought of something else.

"But what if... They reincarnated?" Taehyun said to the others as he looked at them with wide eyes.

Both Ryujin and Chaeryeong then looked at each other before looking back at Taehyun. It was unbelievable that, that statement came out from Taehyun's mouth itself.

"You okay Taehyun?" Ryujin said to Taehyun, asking him.

"Of course I am Ryujin!" Taehyun said to Ryujin, exclaiming it.

"That's not a typical thing for you to say out loud you know?" Ryujin said to Taehyun, asking him. Taehyun just gave out a sigh, completely giving up.

"You believe in that kind of stuff Taehyun?" Chaeryeong said to Taehyun, asking him.

"Of course I don't. But it just might be the reason it happened. I mean there is and should be a reason behind it." Taehyun said to Chaeryeong, as he looked at her annoyed.

"And wouldn't it be weird to have somebody in the past have the same name and looks as somebody in our time?" Taehyun said to the others, as he explained it to them.

"And not to mention those two also met? It just sounds so fishy. In my opinion that is." Taehyun said to the others, as he explained it to them.


After a couple of minutes of walking in silence, they finally reached the girls' dorm. After bidding their farewells to one another, the boys' then left to go back to their dorm, before they get scolded for getting back late.

While walking back to their dorm, Taehyun noticed that Beomgyu still hasn't spoken a word since the topic of "reincarnation" came up or in other words Taehyun's "theory" about the topic of their group project for history.

"Hey Beomgyu, are you okay? You haven't spoken a single word after I shared my theory about the group project earlier with the girls." Taehyun said to Beomgyu as he looked at him.

It was definitely irregular of Beomgyu to have that kind of mood especially when walking home from school, as he is always full of energy. But today was an exception as it seems, Beomgyu wasn't smiling, laughing, talking, making jokes, and he didn't even bicker with Ryujin at all. Beomgyu looked like he was in some sort of deep thinking.

To some it would seem as if Beomgyu was fine, but to Taehyun it was more than that. Beomgyu is one of his best friends, he certainly knows him better than what other people see and talk about.

"Taehyun I think I'm falling for Ryujin already..." Beomgyu said to Taehyun while looking at the ground, determined to avoid his gaze.

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