Chapter 09

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Chapter 09: Late


Author's POV

School was now done for the day everybody already went home. Except some students that had some after school activities that they signed up for or maybe that their teachers told them to do. Which lead them to stay back even after school hours. A lot of them were going back to their dorms and houses after a long day.

One of them was Ryujin she had to stay back since their homeroom teacher asked her for a favor. So naturally Ryujin couldn't say no because it might ruin her record. But as she was doing the favor her other teachers either suddenly said that they had to pass some requirement or talked to her. As much as it pisses Ryujin off. Ryujin still stayed cool after dealing with all their antics.

Ryujin was now left to walk alone back to their dorm. As Chaeryeong and the others already left earlier saying that they had plans and wanted to do some stuff. Ryujin was lifelessly walking towards their dorm with nobody to talk to. Ryujin was just listening to some music while walking towards their dorm and not minding the other people on the street.


Meanwhile Beomgyu was just busy sitting on his own in a café obviously waiting someone to arrive. Beomgyu has been waiting for the person to show itself up in front of him. But instead the person made Beomgyu wait the whole time not even informing him that they can't show up.

Beomgyu sighed as he slid his hand into his right pocket and took out his phone to check the time. Just to see it was already late than usual Beomgyu then stood up from the sit and went in front of his table. Beomgyu then took out his wallet and put a little tip for the waiters.


Ryujin was just a few steps away from reaching their dorm. But then Ryujin felt something as is she was being followed by somebody. So instead of going directly to their dorm Ryujin was taking a short detour from it.

"Dang it! I wanted to go to the dorm immediately since I'm tired but since there's somebody following me. I can't risk it the girls are probably in the dorm now considering it's already late." Ryujin said muttering it underneath her breath.


Beomgyu was already on the streets walking back towards their dorm while using his phone. Beomgyu was busy texting the person he was supposedly meeting earlier but didn't show up. Beomgyu was supposed be back at their dorm by now but sadly he waited for that person to arrive and now he has to face the consequences of it.

A couple of moments later Beomgyu then slid his phone back into his right pocket as he looks up on the street just to see Ryujin walking as well. Beomgyu then smirked and started following Ryujin but as he started following her. Beomgyu noticed that there were people other following Ryujin as well.

"Who are they? Do they know Ryujin or maybe Ryujin knows them?" Beomgyu said to himself as he looked at the people who were following Ryujin.

Beomgyu then once again took out his phone and started scrolling through his contacts to look for Ryujin's phone number. Beomgyu quickly found it since it has the most obvious contact name on he then tapped it and it started to dial. Beomgyu then started chasing them since he was slowly losing them and once he caught up to them he made sure that there was a space between them.

Beomgyu was still trying to contact Ryujin but it was no avail. Beomgyu then started dialing Ryujin's phone once again and started to run towards them as he once again lost track of them while trying to her. Beomgyu then looked up and saw them and his eyes went wide open and started running towards them.

memoirs || beomryuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang