Chapter 9: Relocating Work

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Timothy: It was good; I just got off the bus stop

Lisa: I need to tell you something

Timothy: What happened

Lisa: Actually, I'll tell you tomorrow

Timothy: Lisa, just tell me 

Lisa: No, it's fine; I'm not ready to tell you yet

Timothy: Alright, if you say so

Lisa: Okay, bye, love you

Timothy: Love you too 😉

Lisa: Hey, what's with the wink

Timothy: What?

Lisa: You said when you wink, that means you're lying

Timothy: About what?

Lisa: You don't love me anymore

Timothy: What, of course, I love you 😉


Timothy: I'm just teasing you, baby; I love you, for real this time

Lisa: Love you too



He's such an idiot sometimes, but he's my idiot. Anyway, I turned off the lights and went to sleep. 


My alarm sounded, and my eyes slowly began opening. I sit up and stretch my arms as the morning sun glares into my eyes. 

*sounds creaking in the kitchen*

As I heard the sound, I slowly got up from the bed and creaked open my door to see who it was. It was Timothy, cooking something in the kitchen.


"Babe, what are you doing here," I asked.

"Oh, I thought to stop by and make breakfast for you," he replied.

"Aww, that sweet," I said. "Here, I'll finish making it," I said before he pecked me on the cheek.

When I finished making breakfast, I got out the plates and set them on the table. I then brought the hot pan of food and set it in the middle. 

"Baby, why are you really here," I asked.

I knew something was going on.

"Okay, Lisa, if I'm honest, I want to know what happened at work," he said.

My eyes widened, not sure if I should tell him.

"Umm....babe, I'm not sure yet," I said.

"Lisa, look at me," he said as I tilted my head up. "It's okay; whatever it is, we can take it."

"You really want to know," I said.

"Yes, so I can help you."

"Alright, here it goes. I'm getting relocated to a new cafe for a managerial role~

"That's great," Timothy said.

"In Youngrowe," I finished my sentence.

Timothy, after hearing the last bit now, didn't have any words to say. I bit shocked, but I wouldn't say upset or angry.

"Oh, that's pretty far from here. 4-hour drive from here," he said.

"Yeah, I know," I replied

"So, what are you going to do."

"Well, I don't want to just give this opportunity up as being the Manager there, but I want to stay here and be with you."

My head leaned on his shoulders, and his arm wrapped around me.

"Lisa, listen to me, babe," Timothy held my hand. "I don't want you to leave just because of me; if you really want this, then do it," he said.

"You sure," I was so hesitant about it.

"Yes, I'm sure," he said.

No winks at all. He was serious about it. I'm just worried about him.

"But what's going to happen to you," I asked him.

"Lisa, we will get through this together. Don't worry about me," he said. "Remember, we promised each other to text each other every day," Timothy reminded.

"Yes, I remember," I replied. 

"Well, we haven't broken that promise yet," he said. "We can even facetime or end letters to each other."

I looked down again, still not sure. But Timothy made the situation bit better. His hand made their on my chin and repositioned my face to look at him.

"Baby, it's going to be okay."

He's so sure about it.

DEAR TIMOTHY: THE BOOK // LiskookWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu