Chapter Thirty

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How did he fucking know we were coming? Right on time? What is he on about.

"Surprised that I'm well... not surprised to see you." He smirked and so did his men.

"How did you fucking know we were coming?" I demand to know.

He shook his head and snickered a little "well after I killed... oh what was her name that little bitch of yours erm... Olivia?" He mocked.

He's a fucking dead man. Heat started to rise up my body as I was getting more and more angry. Pain consumed me as I thought of what he did to Octavia. She would still be here if I killed him when I had the opportunity.

"Don't fucking speak about Octavia." I screamed.

I went to lunge at him but Ashton pulled me back and Marcus continued to smirk.

"Ahhh yes that was her name, it's a shame really as she wasn't the target. It was supposed to be you and that little rat of yours." He spat.

What was he on about? Oh god had I been right this whole time. My heart sunk as all the thoughts ran through my head as to who and why someone would do this to their own.

"The fuck you on about." Ashton shouted.

I looked at Marcus and he could see I was desperate for an answer. He knew how angry I was and I anticipated that he wanted to see how far I could go without lashing out.

"I guess we will find out. That saying 'keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer' I guess some people listened to that."

I finally broke and he knew it as he stepped back.

"You son of a bitch." I shoved through Ashton and pulled out my knife. I ran down the corridor towards Marcus and his men and lunged at Marcus.

I got him. I pinned him to the floor and stabbed my knife deep into his arm causing him to let out a horrific yell.

I could feel his men trying to get me off him but Ashton was firing bullets at them one by one.

"This is for fucking murdering my parents." I spat as I plunged the knife into his other arm.

Marcus continued to fight and yell as I held him down.

I removed the knife and wiped the blood on it onto his face.

"This is for all the fucking sex trafficking and illegal shit you do." I listed as I rammed my knife into his stomach. Marcus started to cough and yell out in agony as I pushed it further.

I made sure not to stab him so he would die because I was saving that till last.

The bullets had stopped and now was my chance.

"And this," I pulled the knife out and admired it sarcastically before making direct eye contact with him. "This motherfucker, is for killing my best fucking friend you asshole."

Marcus's eyes go wide but a smirk forms on his face. This asshole is like this right to the very end. Just as I was about to plunge my knife through his heart I was tackled off Marcus and I collapsed on the floor next to me.

What the fuck.

"What the fuck are you doing Ashton, he can't live." I scream, I thought we wanted the same thing.

"I know August but if you want to find out who the fucking snitch is then we need him alive to tell us, also there are much bigger things at stake like those girls we need to rescue. They need your help."

My eyebrows furrowed and my mouth frowned as I knew he was right and I was just thinking irrationally.

I caught Ashtons eye and gave him a nod, signalling that I knew he was right.

He smiled and nodded back.

"I need you all in here now." Ashton spoke over the ear piece.

I got up and made way for the sounds of the screams. I hope these girls were ok.

"Help someone please." I heard more closer than before.

To my right was a door that had a lock on it. I pulled out my gun and fired at the door.

I kicked it open and to my dismay, there were around twenty girls who looked around 12-16 maybe even younger.

They were all poorly dressed, stains on their face from crying and there eyes were dark probably from the lack of sleep.

Most of them had been chained to walls or tied up next to each other, I would imagine because they were awaiting collection.

"I'm here don't worry. Me and my friends are going to get you out of here. You're safe."

I rush over and start untying the girls and when I untied the first one she jumped in for a hug. She must have only been around 13 and it made me sad imagining how she must feel.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Josie." She quickly responds.

"Ok Josie, my friends are right outside this room and they are here to help; every single one of them. Nobody can hurt you anymore I promise. We will get you back home."

I squeeze her hand and she nods hurriedly.

"Ok I'll see you out there. Go down the hall and someone will find you and get you in a car to go home."

Josie left through the door and ran out. I untied the other girls and they all said thank you as they filed out.

I wanted to kill Marcus and the lust for blood and vengeance wouldn't escape me.

Sorry guys I haven't updated in forever. I've been working 12 hour shifts and had college exams to finish so I apologise for the short chapter. I will be finishing the book over the next couple of weeks so enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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