Chapter Five

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Jesus she's fucking crazy. Acting like nothing happened.

She sped off like I didn't just save her life.
Now, where the fuck are my boys at?
As if on queue my phone starts buzzing. Alex, thank god.


"Boss I-I-I swear we was coming to get you but we thought you had it handled we are back at the house, di-did you get the USB?" Alex stuttered.

"Well you would know that... IF YOU FUCKING STAYED!!" I shouted down the phone.

Alex was real quiet now. Pussy, honestly thought I trained him better than this.

"I'm so sorry boss... are you going to kill me?" Alex whispered.

"What?? No... I probably would have left you too, that's what friends are for right? But no I won't kill you, not yet anyways."

"Right... I'll send a car?"

"Yeah, seems wise unless you want me to rip your head off?" I say sarcastically, and with that, Alex ended the call.

"I'm baaaaack." I yelled through the house.

"About time bitch." Octavia smirks from the top of the stairs.

I look at her and start laughing. God I love her.

"Where are the others?" I ask.

"In the kitchen, making pancakes cuz they are hungry. Wanna join? I'm going to have some."

"Why not? Fuck my diet I need sugar." I laugh.

Octavia walks down the stairs and gives me a hug. We walk in each other's embrace to the kitchen. My face lit up as soon as I saw my gang. Yes they worked for me but in all honestly they were more than just 'employees'. Octavia is the only one who I truly trust but these guys come close.  They were my friends and I would die for them as I hope they would do the same for me.

"Heyyyyy... wow you look like shit." Skylar laughed as she pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah whatever. You look worse than me and last I checked you weren't just beat the shit out of." I laughed back.

Skylar stopped laughing now, she knows I'm joking but can get pretty sensitive about things. She's strong deep down she just doesn't know it yet.

"Hey August." All my other friends chimed in.

Oscar, Misty, Skylar, Octavia, Danny, Alexis and Jonathan.

"Pancakes are ready dickheads." Misty screamed.


We sat around for what felt like hours, eating pancakes, laughing, drinking... I sat there and observed. I was so lucky to have them by my side, so lucky to have such amazing people in my life, even if I don't deserve happiness and don't deserve good things, somehow I was blessed with my friends.

It was starting to get late and after the day I had, I needed rest, the next few weeks most likely weren't going to be any better. I had a bad feeling.

"I'm off to bed, I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. Love you all and don't go through my stash of drink or weed otherwise I'll cut off all your fingers and that isn't a joke." I was joking but I loved toying with them because a part of them wasn't sure if I was being serious, I could see it on their faces.

"Night august." They all said as I left the room.

I dragged myself up the stairs, I was fucking exhausted to say the least. I walked to my room and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

I hopped in the shower and holy shit the warm water against my body felt better than an orgasm. Seems dramatic but what can I say, if a man can't please you, you gotta do it yourself.

I got out and put my black silk robe on. I walked out onto my balcony and sat on the sofa. The cold air brushing against my skin, I lit up a cigarette and stared into the night sky.

All I could think about was him, Ashton. I felt like I owed him, I almost felt... guilty for abandoning him, hell I don't even know if he had a ride home. I needed to get him out of my head, I would probably never see him again anyways.

But another part of me, longed to see him again.
And on that note, I finished my cigarette and chucked it over the balcony, nasty habit but sometimes drinking and smoking my life away makes my life seem that all bit easier.

I walked back in my room and closed my balcony doors. I crashed onto my bed and closed my eyes and the last thing I remember was thinking about Ashton before I drifted off to sleep.

Sorry guys this might have been a boring chapter but it was more a fill in.
What do you think of August's friends?
I kinda love their characters 😳

See you in the next chapter ;)

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