Chapter Twenty Eight

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Warning sexual content towards the end
"As you all might be aware, I've moved the attack forward to tomorrow." I leaned on the table and all my guys and Ashtons guys were observing me while I spoke. "I cannot risk anymore..." I paused for a minute at the thought of Octavia but had to push it out my mind "anymore tragedy."

"Last night we let our guard down and I ended up with bodies on my bedroom floor which I do not appreciate."

I watched Oscar lean against his hand and stare into space. He was still in shock and I don't think he knew how to process what was going on.

"Ashton and I are going to ride together tomorrow. Danny and Jonathan, you take the girls in the van and set everything up. The rest of my men, you will be surrounding the building. Ashton is sorting out what his guys are doing so are we all clear?" Everyone nodded their head in agreement and Ashton made eyes at me then nodded. My heart skipped a beat but I didn't let it distract me.

"What the fuck am I doing then?" Oscar spoke up from the end of the table.

I hadn't really given much thought as to what Oscar was going to do as I wasn't sure in what state he was in given the circumstances.

"Surround the perimeter or ride with the others it's up to you." I offer.

"No. I'm not just going to fucking sit there and do nothing, that man is the reason why the woman i fucking love is dead." His words made me tense up. Everyone was looking at me waiting for me to say something but I didn't know what to say or do.

"See you have nothing to fucking say, if it wasn't for you she wouldn't be fucking dead. You dragged her into this." He shouted.

"I didn't fucking drag her into anything she knew what she was getting into and she's been part of it since we were kids. Just like how all of you knew what you were fucking getting into." I shouted back. Oscars words hurt like hell and I could feel my throat swell up as I was trying not to cry. I'm embarrassing myself enough as it is.

Everyone was silent and Oscar sat shaking his head. I felt Ashtons eyes on me but I didn't dare make eye contact as I was ashamed.

"It should have been you, not her." Oscar mumbled.

I was about to fire back but Ashton starting shouting before I even got the chance.

"Shut the fuck up. She's done everything she could to protect all of you. Octavia wasn't her fault, where were you when Octavia needed protecting, not fucking there. Probably running like a coward."

"Ok everyone stop, this isn't what Octavia would have wanted." Jonathan stood up trying to keep the peace.

"Yeah well Octavia isn't fucking here is she." Oscar snapped.

I grabbed a glass from the table and threw it causing it to smash against the wall.

Everyone had shut up now and were looking at me with wide eyes. Ashton stood up but before anyone even thought about touching me or saying anything else, I stormed out the meeting room and went to the kitchen.

Maybe Oscar was right, maybe this was all my fucking fault, if I killed Marcus already then Octavia wouldn't be dead.

"Hey are you ok?"

I looked up and Skylar walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah just- no." I sunk my head low, I didn't even know what to say.

"Oscar is just upset, he doesn't mean what he said." She sat down next to me and rubbed my back in an attempt to comfort me.

When Fire Meets Fire Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora