Chapter Twelve

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Shit. She caught me staring.
I looked away quickly and carried on speaking to Oscar, he was a good lad and August was lucky to have such a good man in her mafia.

August looked so gorgeous. The way her dress hugged her curves and her hair looked so beautiful especially when she walked. She looked so elegant and seemed too pure for a world like this.

I wish I wasn't part of this world. I wonder what it would be like if neither of us were. I wonder if our paths would have crossed if we were... normal.

I hardly knew her but I felt such a strong connection. It made me feel weak. Having such a strong feeling about her, but I didn't know how to push those feelings away. I don't even know if she felt anything but hatred towards me.

"Want another drink?" Oscar asked, completely cutting my train of thought.

"Thanks." I said as I handed him my glass.


Oscar gave me my drink and I went to find somewhere quiet. It was loud as everyone was getting along so well. Surprisingly.

I went out the back and sat on one of the tables outside. Cant lie. August has good taste. The outside looked so neat and tidy and was so modern.

I lit up a cigarette and stared into the night sky.

"My gathering too boring for you?"

I turned around to see August standing in the door way smiling at me with a glass of champagne in her hand.

"Yeah, it's a bit shit. Should have come to my place instead. I would have been a much better host." I lied. I don't know the first thing about holding a normal gathering.

The last gathering I held was good until half the people there ended up dead but it was their own fault for being so stupid to think I was trying to be civil.

"Wow, that was harsh." She laughed.

August came and sat next to me and took the cigarette from between my lips and put it between her own.

"How much have you had to drink?" I laughed.

"Too much and if I could remember I would tell you." She smiled back at me.

August turned to look at me and I looked back into her eyes. They sparkled yet if you looked deep enough there was something hidden. She almost seemed lost or in pain. I understood that in a way.

She smiled at me and looked down at my lips as I looked down at hers.

I wanted to kiss him so badly. I don't know if it was the drink talking or what but I felt some type of connection. I can't let my guard down though, god knows what will happen if I fall for this man. Not that I am.

Ashton inched closer to me and I could smell his cologne. I put down the cigarette and moved closer.

Our lips collided and it felt amazing. His lips were so soft yet strong at the same time. I put my hand on his neck pulling him closer and he put his hand on my waist pulling me into him.

It felt like electricity flowing through my body and I didn't want the moment to end. I had never liked a guy as much as I liked Ashton but I wasn't sure if I could trust him and that thought alone made me want to stop.

I pulled away slowly but our faces were mere centimetres apart.

"We can't do this." I blurted out.

"Do what?" Ashton said

"Whatever this is. It's not right."

He looked at me for a minute, he almost looked angry but hurt at the same time.

"Well nothing is going on anyways. I'm just bored, what did you think was going on?" Ashton spat.

I pulled away completely now. Slightly hurt by what Ashton just said but I saw it coming. What a prick.

"Well fuck you too." I said sarcastically.

I got up and stormed away. Trying to hold back the tears. Why was I getting so fucking upset? I'm acting like a horny high school teenager. Why should I even care?

I don't even need him anyways. I just need to trust my gut and use him for business only. I can't handle the drama.

What did I expect from a man like that? I know I'm one to talk but I should have known from that.

Him and I are the same person just living different lives.

Sorry for the short chapter!! I've been working all week and been doing 12 hour shifts so I'm utterly knackered.

Let me know how you guys are feeling :)

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