Chapter Twenty Nine

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I opened my eyes to see the sun peeking through the curtains and as I looked down, August was snuggled up next to me. She looked so calm and peaceful when she slept. I brushed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ears. God I felt like a fucking idiot, I never stayed with a woman after a hookup.

Maybe it was more than that but I couldn't be sure. I am protective of her and I care about her a lot. I gave her a small kiss on the head and slowly moved me arm out from under neath her. I tried not to wake her as she needed to sleep, she's been too stressed after everything that's happened, she needed her energy for today too.

I got up and put on my clothes. I made sure the duvet was covering her before I left and then headed for the kitchen.

"Good morning." Danny and Jonathan were sat at the table drinking coffee and were smirking at me as I walked in.

I nodded my head at them and went to make myself a coffee.

"I didn't know you and August were having a slumber party." Jonathan said.

I shook my head and gave them a dirty stare.

"Did you do face masks and watch Clueless while gossiping?" Danny pushed.

"Clearly that's what you do when you're with your girl if you know the name of that movie." I laughed and drank my coffee.

I said bye to the guys and headed back to mine to prepare for today.

My eyes fluttered open and for the first time in a while, I had a good nights sleep. I looked around the room and to my disappointment, Ashton was gone. I missed him and he was the first thing I thought of when I woke up.

Suddenly all the memories of last night came flooding in. My heart fluttered as I remembered what we did and a part of me craved it again.

I dragged my ass out of bed and went down to the kitchen.

"Walk of shame." Danny said.

"Fuck off." I mumbled while holding my head. I was so tired and I couldn't function this early. "What the fuck is the time?" I ask.

"Like 11am." Jonathan responded.

"Shit, we gotta get things ready." I panic and down my coffee.

I rush up stairs and get myself ready.

I dress myself up and grab all my gear, we were leaving at 1 to meet and discuss the plans again to make sure everything was in check.

I rush down the stairs and haul my duffel bag over my shoulder.

"Here" I chucked the bag at Jonathan and he barely caught it.

"Jesus what the fuck is in this." He whimpered.

"Well you're about to find out." I mock and roll my eyes. "Girls are you ready."

Misty, Alexis and Skylar stand in front of me dressed in their gear and they have keen looks on their faces.

"Let's go kill this son of a bitch." I grinned and everyone else smiled too.


"Is everyone in position?" I ask through the earpiece.

Everyone responds with the 'ok' and Ashton is beside me. It's just me and him going in first and the others will come in on our signal.

"You ready for this?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything he just pulls me by my waist and softly presses his lips against mine.

"Ready." He smiles.

I try to ignore the fact he just kissed me on a mission as I knew it would have be distracting but it just kept pulling me in closer to him.

I pull my gun out and hold it low as I circle round the back of the warehouse. Two guards are round the back and I duck behind a wall before they see me. I pull out my knife and run up behind one of them as I slit their throat.

"What the fuck." The living guard said.

I took the knife and plunged it through his chest straight through his heart.

"Jesus." Ashton said from behind me.

I rolled my eyes and carried on walking around the perimeter to find the best way in.

"August there are three guards coming through on the right." Danny warns through the war piece.

I nod my head in the direction the guards are and Ashton walks in front of me. He has his gun aimed up and he peaks round the corner. He shakes his head and puts his finger up telling me to wait. I raise my eyebrow and give him a look asking if he's being serious.

He takes too damn long.

I run at the guards and throw my knife through one of their necks. Another grabbed my by my waist but I flipped my head back landing him straight in the face. He stumbled back in pain and held his nose. Ashton handled the other guy while I contained to batter this one. I pulled my knife from the dead guard and ran towards the other. I jumped on his shoulders and wrapped my legs round his neck as I bludgeoned him with the knife through his thick skull.

"Over there. The back entrance." Ashton directed.

I followed his lead and he shot at the lock so the door would open. As I walked in, I got a whiff of what smelt like shit and piss. The hallway I was standing in was dimly lit and there were empty cells all through.

I cover my nose with my sleeve as I didn't want the smell to infest my body. I felt like throwing up, whoever Marcus had kept down here had done a right number.

Ashton and I made our way through the corridor and went through the door at the end. It led us into a room that smelt just as bad as the last, the floor was covered in dried blood and there was paper work all on the floor. There were desks with computers on but none of them seemed to have power.

"What the fuck is going on here? It's empty." I say confused.

Ashton shrugs his shoulders and starts scanning around to see if he can find anything.

I go round too and find folders stacked on one of the tables. What the fuck.

The thick folders were labelled with names including me and Ashton and all our close guys. The asshole has been watching us and keeping close tabs on us.

How would he even gather this amount of information from just observing. My suspicion of someone double crossing me increased as there was no other way he would be able to find out this much.

I open up my folder to have a quick look and the minute I do, I see photos of the night Octavia died, photos of me changing, photos of me doing deals and documents explaining nearly every detail about me. I slammed shut my folder and a wave of heat flowed through me, he was so close this whole time and I was too oblivious to notice.

Before I can bring it up to Ashton I hear a faint scream coming from behind one of the other doors.

Ashton and I stare at each other and our eyes go wide. It sounded like a woman and it didn't sound pleasant.

"Help somebody please!" The screams continued.

We both ran to the door with our guns up and kicked it open. There was another corridor which led to multiple other corridors making it harder to find where the screams were coming from.

"We're in, a little he-" I start to say over the ear piece, but I was soon lost for words.

A door in the corridor opened and out came Marcus, he had about five men trailing behind him.

"Right on time I see." He smiled and it aggravated me I wanted to fucking kill him right here right now.

Sorry for not updating for a few days. I've been super busy with work and college and I feel sick because of my meds.

Thank you for all the reads and votes.

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