"What's the matter, Crane?" Viper asked, who was outside his door.

"Nothing, Viper. I just keep having this weird dream," Crane replied.

"Dreams, huh? Maybe you should tell Master Shifu about them?" Viper suggested. It wasn't a bad idea. Shifu had more experience with these things than Crane did. But the bird wanted to wait another night to see if this was a recurring thing.

The next night, Crane saw himself in the Training Hall with Tigress practicing her flying high kicks. For a moment, Crane thought he was awake, but then Po came in, excited about something. Suddenly, Po slipped on a training staff on the floor, tumbled into the training pit, rolled into Tigress, and stood in a position that was hovering over Tigress. They didn't realize that their muzzles were touching each other. The two blushed brightly as they got off of each other quickly. Then Crane woke up. He walked to the kitchen to get some food and was going to go to Master Shifu when he passed the Training Hall to see Tigress practicing her high kicks. Tigress was too focused to noticed Crane, but Crane was feeling deja vu all over again. As if it was a repeated play, Po came in through the doors, excited about something and Crane's dream played out right before his own eyes. Before the two could find out where Crane was, the bird had slipped out and flown to Master Shifu. "Master Shifu, I need your help urgently," Crane said, bowing to his master.

"What's the matter, Master Crane?" Shifu asked. Crane explained the dreams that he had been having.

"And just now my latest one came true," Crane replied. Shifu's perplexed face didn't do much to ease Crane's concern. "What's happening, Master Shifu?"

"I... I believe that you are having dreams of Po and Tigress dating. Rather, you're having visions," Shifu answered. Crane was confused.

"Then why are they about Tigress and Po?" Crane asked. Shifu stroked his chin hair then he smiled.

"Why don't you ask Tigress and Po about that?" Shifu instructed.


"If the last dream came true, then the obvious thing is that they may either grow to have feelings for each other, or they already have feelings for each other," Shifu explained.

"Master, I can't just come up to them and ask them if they have a crush on each other. That would be too awkward," Crane said.

"You've been in worse," Shifu replied. Crane could only nod in agreement. "It will probably be easier to get it from Po than Tigress." Crane bowed to his master and left. The bird was walking to where Po usually was when he was angry, flustered, embarrassed, or sad. The Heavenly Peach Tree.

On the way there, he happened to bump into Tigress who was staring deeply into her small portion of food. She was stabbing the fork into the food. "I'm pretty sure that's not how you eat food," Crane mentioned.

"What are you doing here?" Tigress asked, not even looking up.

"I live here," Crane replied. Tigress rolled her eyes.

"I meant what is your purpose for stopping and talking to me. You were obviously going somewhere," Tigress answered. Crane sighed as he walked into the kitchen and sat down.

"What's the matter?" Crane asked, "You're usually smashing wooden dummies when you're upset."

"I'm not upset. I'm... confused," Tigress replied.

"About what?" Crane asked, having an idea about what it is. Tigress sighed and paused for a moment.

"I think I like Po," Tigress confessed. She looked at the bird and gave a small chuckle for the sound of his beak dropping. She saw Crane shaking awake.

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