But now wondering if he's italian how does he own the Canadian mafia?

Jumping off the counter I walked into his study without knocking he was on the phone but gesture towards me to ask what's it

"I have some questions"
I stated

He nodded and told whoever to get whatever done then cut the call

"Okay, I'm all ears princess"
He got comfy in his seat and so did I

"If your italian right" he nodded "how do you own the Canadian mafia?" I raised an eyebrow at him

"Wow look at you knowing nothing a out your husband" he smiled teasingly "but to answer your question I own both" he stated


"Well it's a long story"

"Well I've got time"

"You don't you have to get dressed"

"I'll make it work" I rolled my eyes and threw my hands in the arm

"Okay okay, well it goes way back firstly I'm pure italian. I grew up in Italy and had a perfect life aside from training to be the don" he got up and took a glass of scotch " we had nothing to do with the Canadians, but they wanted allies and be wanted us but we were faithful to the Germans in that war
They didn't like that and they did some fucked up things"

"Like? like?" I question wanted no needing to hear the rest of the story

"He killed my father, the night my dad went to go check on the shipment because they were late" I gasped "head shot, then he proceeded to steal his body and cut him up then he mailed him in the package only leaving his head and tattoo of the gang in one piece" matteo took a big swing of the alcohol
"He addressed the package to Me, I was the one that opened it "the pained look that matteo had in his eyes in one that I never want to see again
"And no one knows except the Giovannis and Its only right I tell you. My mom passed away during child birth ,she was amazing. Her name was Aria, you kind of remind me of her" he smile but it didn't reach his eyes you can see the pain behind of what's been told

"How old were you"

"For which one?"

"Your dad " I got up and collect a cigarette from his desk

" I was thirteen (13) when my papà died, so when my dad come back in pieces it was suppose to be my mom who was to take over but she was long dead and as the oldest I was responsible to take over, it didn't matter the age as long as i was over 11. So I did the right thing and take over, when I turned 16 I got my revenge on the stupido canadese .They didn't know what the hell they messed with, I went in and basically caused a blood bath 10 of my men went down while hundreds of their went down. Long story kinda short I took over and now it's mine"

"Wow, you had a hard life. How do you even handle thing?"

"It's a responsibility and in this line of work emotions are that big, and I can see you have a lot of questions" he checked his watch "and we have an hour and a half more to leave home which gives you half an hour to ask whatever you like"

"Okay, so I can ask anything?" He nodded

"First: how do you remember your mom if she died during child birth?"

"She didn't die with me" he chuckled "mamà died during child birth with my younger brother, would you like me to explain?"

"Yes please"

"I was seven when mamà passed, that's when she gave birth to Çhristian Giorgio Giovanni, my younger brother and your mother's partner in crime" he reached under his desk and pulled up a tiny book
When he opened it I then realised it was an photo album
He flipped the pages and a woman that looks a little like me came into view
"I told you she looked like you" he smiled

Aria had brown hair that was shoulder length
Grey eyes (those were different from my brown eyes)
Curves that matched my to perfection
And legs that went on for days

She was indeed beautiful

"She's beautiful" I stated

"Yes she was"
He flipped the page again and I saw a very built man that look exactly like matteo except his eyes were blue

"I'm guessing that's your dad"

"He is, he was a very strict don, I don't think half of my life would have been if he was here" matteo laughed remembering his dad

He flipped the page again and I was him and his little brother
They looked nothing alike
His brother looked like his mom while he look like his father they just had each others eye colour "You know his name means the same as my middle name, it's one of the reasons aside of other that I loved him"

He showed me most of his childhood memory through the pictures the the came to the last page and gently turned it

"This is my brother or was my brother a few years ago"


"Because he betrayed me he's no longer family"

I nodded but when j took a closer look at the picture
"Wait, I know him" I said really quickly

Matteo shoot up form his seat and came to me quickly
He grabbed my arm and look into my eyes to see if I was telling the truth
"He came by the club a few times when I use to work there the only thjng is taht he looks a bit older not alot just a little" i explained "I even bumped into him once, but he had this creepy smile every time he looked at me so I said nothing that night but he looked like he was rushing out of the club "

"He never spoke to you?" Matteo raised his eye brow

"Never, he just looked"

"Okay, I think your mother might know who you are and where you are"

"Is that bad? I mean I'm literally going to see her today"

"It's not, it just means our plan is better than it was"


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