Chapter 25 - Part 1

Start from the beginning

After we both put our shoes back on, he mutters the passcode softly, which has changed from Pureblood to Basilisk.

As the entry opens up for us, he looks over at me and says, "do not tell anyone that I carried you. That stays between you and I. Understood?"

Rolling my eyes, I mumble, "mhm."

Afterwards, he ushers me to follow after him, and we make our way down the large stairs into the open common room. It's dimly lit with a multitude of floating candles, much like in the Great Hall, and there is low, bass-filled music being played. I notice how most everyone is standing around in cliques or partaking in party games, and the only ones that appear to be dancing are couples doing the most risque moves I've ever seen.

It's definitely an opposite vibe from what Hufflepuff parties hold. I feel incredibly out of place once I see people looking over towards us. Draco, though, heeds them no mind as he struts in, making his way over towards an empty black couch; it's odd that it's completely open as all other seats are taken.

I see Zacharias getting cozy with a brunette-haired Slytherin on one of the larger chairs. He meets my gaze with narrowed eyes, clouded with obvious confusion. I quirk an eyebrow at him, wondering what the hell he's doing here as well.

Before I can find out, I hear a couple Slytherin girls whisper things about me, saying I don't belong here. I watch as Draco shoots them a glare, making them shut up right away.

Smirking to myself, I follow him, keeping my glance casted downwards. I keep feeling the judgemental stares all the way up until I take a seat beside him on one of the black, leather sofas. I watch as he leans back, placing his hands behind his head as if the party is being hosted for him.

As I'm about to say something, his minions, Crabbe and Goyle rush over towards us, handing us each a glass of a fancier looking beverage.

Upon accepting it from Goyle, I realize it's a Pear Dazzle; something I've always seen classier witches and wizards drink at Hogs Head. I remember seeing it being served at the Malfoy Manor Christmas Ball as well.

"Um—thank you, Goyle," I say with a small smile as he gives me a sheepish, half-smile back.

"Y-yeah of course—Libby," he says back. It's weird to hear him talk as he hardly ever does; usually Draco doesn't let either him or Crabbe get a chance to say anything since he has a habit of never shutting up.

Sipping the drink, I glance over at Draco who's already drank half of his glass. Already feeling awkward with the lack of conversation, I look up at the two big Slytherins with a sincere smile, "so—um—how are you both doing?"

Draco snorts at this, giving me a strange look as if wondering why I'm talking to them. I ignore him as I bring my gaze back to the two larger boys. Crabbe's face turns beet red at my question while Goyle scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. Goyle is the first to respond as he says, "—I um am doing well I guess. We were just about to start the duels—"

"—well hello there, Hufflepuff. Fancy seeing you here," a familiar, smooth voice cuts Goyle off from behind me. Both Draco and I turn around to see Blaise showcasing his beautiful, pearly whites directed at... me.

"Hi Blaise," I say softly, smiling back at him. Draco lets out an overdramatic huff before standing up and storming over towards a table filled with drinks. Both Goyle and Crabbe rush after him; afterall, they must follow their leader.

Blaise takes the opportunity to sit in Draco's spot. He leans into the couch more, positioning himself where he is looking at me yet still relaxed as he places an arm partially behind me up on the sofa. He's about the same height as Draco, but has more of a broader and fuller physique than him. Draco is more lean and lanky, while Blaise, although lean, has more prominent muscles.

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