xi. Promise me not

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"Good Night" Lisa whispered into the night as she looked back one last time. With his smile she walked into the building and climbed up the steps. It was peculiar how special he made her feel with every smile every moment. Maybe it was because he knew he shouldn't see her, she was a trouble of her own kind. Loved by a man he hated to his bones. But still he bothered to spend time with Lisa. 

Lisa quietly unlocked the door with the keypad to enter a room full of darkness. It seemed that the others had already gone to bed. It was nearly 3:00 in the morning after all. Before walking to her own bed, Lisa took out the diary in her bag and was nearly done putting it where it belonged when suddenly a lamp flickered on.

"Why do you have that". Lisa jumped at the voice nearly tripping over her own feet. Unfortunately for Lisa, Jennie was already home. "Lisa why do you have my diary?" Jennie said as she turned on the light to see a very guilty looking Lisa.

"I- I thought it might help me find you" Lisa whispered with her head hung low. It seemed that in the moment Lisa totally oversaw how wrong she was for taking Jennie's diary, forget reading it. Lisa had originally thought that she would be able to put the diary back before Jennie noticed it even disappeared. Let's just say that didn't go as planned.

"Well I am sure it didn't help. Where did you go with that?" Jennie snapped, eyes narrowed. Lisa glanced around the room and once she's was sure Jisoo and Rosé won't hear, she whispered, "Jungkook and I, we went looking for you and his hyung".

To this Jennie's eyes widened and she quickly walked up to Lisa and put her hands on Lisa's shoulders as if she was about to shake her. "Lisa, this is important, did he read any of it?" Jennie asked with fear brewing inside of her. 

"I- I don't really know . . . maybe a little?" Lisa said also taken aback. Jennie ran her hands through her thick black tresses in worry. Though she's sure her writing was quite cryptic things could go very very wrong if he read anything important in there.

"What were you even doing with him!" Jennie scolds in frustration

"I told you we went looking" Lisa said helplessly.

"Lisa, you aren't supposed to see him! If he finds out everything will be ruined and blood will be shed" Jennie ranted almost forgetting that she shouldn't be saying such out loud, and for that reason none of the words that came out of Jennie's mouth made sense to Lisa.

"Who are you talking about?" Lisa asked, testing her stance as she was currently at fault and not the particularly favor of Jennie. To this Jennie realized she messed up. It was ridiculous how often Jennie blurted things out to Lisa, like she could be trusted when it was the opposite. Such a strange girl. But once Jennie gave it a second thought maybe this is for the better. She doesn't need to give Lisa all the details.

"Lisa, you have to stay away from every single one of them including him. I know it doesn't make much sense, but if you don't, Jungkook will get hurt, they all will." Jennie said hoping to earn a nod from Lisa but she seems to be contemplating what Jennie had just said.

"but . . .", Lisa begins before pausing. But what? Why is it so hard to stay away? Who am I to hurt him? She has no right.

"Lisa promise me" Jennie said as she come closer to Lisa and took her hands, giving them a light squeeze. There was an air of desperation the two shared.  "I- I promise" Lisa finally stuttered out.

"Promise What?" Rosé asked as she opened the door and walked in, followed by Jisoo. Both wore faces full of confusion.

"Nothing" Jennie said quickly giving the two of them a blank look in contrast to the worried one she wore just a moment ago. "It's clearly not nothing, and I think you owe us for disappearing like that" Jisoo uttered. "Lisa—since when do we keep secrets?" Rosé whispered with her eyes down, full of hurt.

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