iii. Knot

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"What did he look like" Rosé asked almost mindlessly as Lisa and her walked across Velour street, which was located in a tucked in part of the town. "Who?", Lisa replied clearly distracted by the near ancient map Jennie had handed her earlier. "The guy who knocked into you yesterday" Rosé clarifies, and as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice cold water on Lisa she suddenly remembered every moment with him, every time her eyes locked on to his. "Oh, he was tall and . . . he was wearing all black" Lisa replied swiftly, specifically avoiding the words handsome or dreamy in effort to not get teased by Rosé. "Why do you think he was being chased?" Rosé asked as they strolled down a sidewalk, "I don't know" Lisa said, though it wasn't as if she didn't give it any thought.

All she knew is that it had to be something serious. Why else would there be a gun? Why else would she have seen sheer fear in the eyes of the older man when he uttered "You best run in the other direction before I bother having them all kill you"? As a matter of fact, who was them?

"There it is" Rosé says pointing to a bookstore only a block away, tearing Lisa out of her thoughts. The two walked into a peaceful little bookstore with only about 5 people within, talking or reading with smiles. Lisa could easily see herself reading here for hours on top of hours. 

"Can I help you" A voice says from behind, turning the pair to see a young woman in a uniform. "We're looking for the first year textbooks" Rosie replies shyly, "You both must be the new freshman then, I'm Irene, third year" The girl said with a fine smile. "Nice to meet you unnie," Lisa said, somehow already taking a liking to Irene. "Same to you both, now let me show you the textbooks" Irene stated as they walked towards a shelf across the store. 

After about half an hour they had carefully selected the right books for both class and by choice. "Its almost time for me to meet oppa, should we grab some chicken for back at the dorm!" Lisa asked as the two walked out the door with a ring of its bell. "Yes please, I saw a place not too far, I'll go get it real quick so we don't get lost" Rosé replied, knowing it would be easier to retrace steps back to the dorm than from a new place. "alright, i'll just wait right here!" Lisa called out to Rosé who had already began walking away.

With a soft grumble of Lisa's stomach she recalled her last meal of pancakes, making her smile. Not only were the pancakes delicious but she found it to be a sweet moment with her new group of friends. Lisa always had trouble making friends, being a foreigner of course. Her Korean hadn't always been so fluent, and younger children had a way of painting things black and white. Lisa was different, and different was weird. But as you get older,  supposedly colors blur and things get complicated.

"Good morning, I made pancakes!" Jisoo had called out to the two sleepy first years who had just woke up. "Don't get used to it though, she only made them because it's your first morning here" Jennie playfully added. It seemed that she was fine again, but it was simply a fake front she put up to fool Lisa, who was no doubt suspicious. Let's just say Jennie was too stunned last night to remember she needed to make sure Lisa knew absolutely nothing. But Jennie couldn't help guessing how Lisa got the ring, surely Jungkook wouldn't give it to her. Perhaps she underestimated his recklessness. "Hey by the way, Bambam oppa and I are meeting after lunch" Lisa said bringing Jennie back from her thoughts. "Bambam?" Jisoo asked and her hesitant tone didn't go unnoticed by Jennie. Lisa however was oblivious. It made Jennie wonder what Lisa knew, and what she didn't. "Do you know him?" Lisa asks remembering that he, like Jisoo are both in their third year. Jisoo gave her a nod and looked away. She knew Bambam, but was it the same Bambam Lisa knows? "I didn't know he had a sister" Jisoo states still back turned to Lisa thinking she might be able to read the uncertainty on her face. "Oh, I'm not his sister" Lisa quickly replies, she was used to people mistaking them for siblings. "But she practically is" Rosé says exaggerating her words as her face put on a dramatic act. The two begin to laugh remembering the look on Rosé's face, years ago when she first learned that Bambam was indeed not Lisa's brother. What they didn't catch was Jennie and Jisoo's shared glance of bewilderment.

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