v. Zephyr

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Jennie didn't hesitate when throwing her car door open but she couldn't help but jerk her hand back when it was time to pick up her phone. She was almost sure that whatever game Jungkook was playing needed to be rooted out. But there was an almost. 

Nosing into other people's business were certainly something you wouldn't think Jennie would do. Her heartless and cold aura told you so. But you were wrong. If Jennie cared for something or someone she wouldn't let it go, maybe that was her weakness. Maybe it was a strength.

This time something was different. Jungkook had always treasured the ring he gave to Lisa, he wouldn't show it thinking sentiments made him look weak, but all of them knew. So why would he throw it away to Lisa? More importantly what did he know about her?

Part of Jennie just wanted to go straight to Jungkook and demand an explanation, but she was in no position to do so. Not after what she did. But ironically her first instinct was to talk to the person Jungkook was upset over. But by no means was it easy. With a few rings the call was finally picked up and followed with a moment of cold silence, the empty feeling only growing when words were finally said.

"Look who called" He sneers from the other side.

"Where are you? Jennie says ignoring his incredibly childish remark

"Why do you want to know, scared you'll get caught" 

"Kim Taehyung, I have something really important to tell you" Jennie says with a slight scold heard in her voice.

And from the other side, Taehyung shifted uncomfortably. Jennie only used his full name when she was, indeed being serious. And despite what their conversation looked like, the two didn't hate each other, it was simply complicated. After all, they say Hate is a strong word.

"Meet me outside the boy's dorm" Taehyung said and Jennie ended the call but not before saying, "I'll be there".

In a matter of minutes Jennie pulled into the parking lot and eyed Taehyung sitting on a bench in front of the dorm building. She got out of her car and walked towards him, sitting on the bench distanced away, crafting her next words.

"Tae, has Jungkook told you about a girl?" Jennie starts immediately, and when Taehyung hesitates, Jennie knows that he really had no idea. "Well he said he knocked into one yesterday, why?" Taehyung says, remembering Jungkook's story of the girl and her pink handkerchief.

"So you know what he gave her?" Jennie asked curious to why he was so calm. " A bruise?" he said clearly clueless. "He gave her the ring" Jennie answered already tired of his foolish words.

It took a short moment before Taehyung understood. "His mother's ring" he stated carefully. Those words themselves took the two to another time with blaring sirens and red. So much innocent red. 

"Why would he do that, and why hasn't he told us?" Taehyung asked ripping them from their memories. "I don't know but that's hardly our biggest concern." Jennie posed, "And tell me what would be Mrs. Jennie" Taehyung said watching her lips closely. 

The hesitation was back, but now she knew why. How stupid of her not to realize before. The words Jennie had meant to say were clogged at the back of her throat and all she could do was stare into his eyes with alarm. If she told him, what was going to happen to Lisa.

"Nothing. It's nothing" Jennie quickly said as she stood up with a jerk. "God. We both know it isn't nothing so I'd rather you just say it." Taehyung growled in irritation. "Who is this girl?" He continued pushing towards Jennie's limit. "I've got nothing else to say, Jungkook doesn't know that I know so let's keep it that way" She said about to walk away when he yanked her back. "You do not get to walk away, not today" He whispered out into the silent evening. 

Those simple words seemed to shatter Jennie's facade. How wrong those words were said, like she had done something wrong. She had not, and she was sure. But proving it, she was helpless. Morals and emotions stood no ground, they floated with the wind. Rushing past you when you least needed it. And that moment was now.

Before thinking Jennie quickly closed the gap between the two of them, pulling him in a tight embrace. He immediately stiffened and she realized what she was had done. Jennie quickly pulled away with her head looking down.

"Jennie don't" he said bluntly, but Jennie knew him well enough to know he said it with pain.

"Tae..." Jennie whimpered feeling a stray tear fall. She hated crying. She refused to cry during the two months from when she last saw him. But she was hurting, and he didn't know.

Taehyung quickly got off the bench and left. Once his footsteps couldn't be heard by Jennie anymore, she let all the tears poor down her cheeks. The salty taste lingering on her lips. Would this all be easier if she just told them all the truth? Or would it be worse. She may never know.

And another peculiar thing she didn't know was that Taehyung stood by his window, eyes focused onto the back of Jennie's head, until she finally managed to pick herself and slowly leave into her car where she was safe. The zephyr had lost its way.

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