To Thaw a Frozen Heart

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"Ara Youichi, what are you two doing?"

Kuramochi, who had been dragging a half-asleep Hana to the bathroom, suddenly froze. There in front of them were three bigshot third years on their way to morning practice.

"GEH Ryo-san! Captain! It's not what it looks like!" The second-year waved his free hand around while praying to any upper deity that would listen for Hana to say something so he didn't look like a pervert.

Jun's vein throbbed as he roared, "OI OI OI! DID YOU FORGET SOMEONE IN YOUR ROLL CALL THERE?!!"

The loud noise caused Hana to snap open her bloodshot eyes. Her expression was as dark as her mood as she spoke with a sharp edge to voice, "Shut it, you annoying pest. Why are you so damn loud in the morning? You tryna compete with those rooster bastards?"

Kuramochi slapped his hand to his face as Yuki, Ryosuke, and Jun stood dumbfounded at the blatant disrespect.

If possible, Jun roared even louder than before, "HAH?!"

"Sorry about her," Kuramochi moved his hand to cover the girl's mouth to prevent even more chaos from spewing out, "Hana here just happens to be a little cranky in the morning."

The three third-years moved their gaze from Kuramochi to Hana's piercing stare, her dark aura making her look like a beast that was about to pounce on them whole.

Ryosuke offers to help Kuramochi wake the girl up, the smirk on his face darkening when his defensive partner practically shoved the freshman over to him.

The pink-haired male rubbed his hands together before delivering a swift and brutal chop to the crown of blonde strands. Meanwhile, the shortstop did his best to explain the situation to his upperclassmen.

"I see," Yuki crossed his arms and nodded, "That is a problem. We can't have our student coach be late to class or practice."

"I think the second-string would actually be relieved if she didn't show up to morning practice." Jun snorted.

The three of them all recall the dark aura that they could see all the way from the A ground coming from the B ground each morning.

"That would explain why Youichi was at breakfast so early even though he's always one of the last ones to get to practice."

They turned to look at Ryosuke whose hair was suddenly disheveled, and his uniform wrinkled making it clear that someone had grabbed him by his collar. Their eyes traveled to Hana who was behind him, her dark aura gone and rubbing her head with one hand.

They collectively decided to move one without saying anything. No one wanted to get on the bad side of those two.

"Isn't it kind of weird for you though? A girl having to use a bunch of guy's bathwater at night...something about that doesn't feel right." Jun, the self-proclaimed gentleman of the group, awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Bath?" "Night?"

Kuramochi and Hana both look at each other before turning to him and tilting their heads.

"I only bring her in the mornings so she can brush her teeth..."

The four guys blink. They look at each other and then slowly turn their heads to look at the younger girl. The same thought ran through all their minds.

'How has she been bathing then?'

Yuki stepped forward and coughed, "You've been keeping up with your personal hygiene, I assume?" despite his stoic tone, there was a light blush on his cheeks.

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