When in Doubt Use Blackmail

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"Yo-chan. It's me. I'm just calling to let you know I arrived safely." Hana stepped through Seidou High School's gate with her duffel bag on one shoulder and towed her suitcase behind her.

"Great. Now your shitty brother won't kill me for leaving ya alone." There was a pause before Youichi sighed, "You got everything ya need?"

"Yep. Those fucking geezers are about to pay for being the enemy of women everywhere." The blonde adjusted the striped tank top she was wearing underneath her black hoodie before continuing, "Oh also, you don't have to worry about Aniki. I made sure to leave him a voicemail on what I'm up to."

"Well then fuck off and stop bothering me damn little cousin."

"Fuck you. I love you too." Hana hung up the call and adoringly patted the duffel bag that was strung across her shoulder. "Soon we'll be able to situate you in your new home Al-chan. So behave for just a little bit longer, okay?"

Even though she received no reply from the alligator hiding in her bag, Hana continued into the main school building and found her way to the administrative office.

"Pardon me miss?"

"Yes, dearie?" The elderly woman behind the counter peered at the surprisingly tall female.

"I don't mean to be a bother, but I have a scheduled meeting with the principal."

The secretary looked down at her calendar and then looked back at the girl in front of her, "Tokuchi Hana-san?"

"Yes, m'am."

"You may go in, the principal is ready for you."

"Thank you very much, m'am!" Hana bowed politely to the kind, elderly woman before entering the principal's office.

When she entered through the unnecessarily large double doors, she was met with two familiar-looking males who will soon be named. Sakazuki Keigo motioned for the girl to take a seat while his vice-principal, Tachihara Daichi, stood next to him.

The chubby man cleared his throat before speaking, "I must say Tokuchi-san, your almost perfect score on the entrance exam is highly commendable."

Tachihara Daichi pushed up his glasses before adding on to the principal's comment, "Indeed! And although you took the exam later than the other students, we are perfectly happy to accept such a high-achieving student."

"Thank you very much for the praise and being understanding about my situation, Principal and Vice-Principal." Hana bowed politely from her seated position in front of the two men.

"But of course. Sudden familial moves happen all the time so it is important for us in the administration to keep an open mind with such predicaments." The principal smiled at the girl in front of him.

"Tokuchi-san?" The vice-principal took a glance at the girl's bags that lay by her feet.


"I couldn't help, but to notice the luggage you are carrying with you. Have you perhaps not finished moving into your new housing yet?"

"Actually, due to some personal circumstances, I was hoping that I could appeal for a room here at the dormitories that I passed by earlier?" Hana sent a smile to the people across from her.

There was a pause before the two adult males burst out laughing at the girl's request

"Hahaha! What a silly request, girl. The dorms are only to be used by the Seidou Baseball Club." Sakazuki Keigo turned red in the face as he tried to calm down his laughter.

"And there's nothing you can do for me?" Blonde hair fell to the side as Hana tilted her head. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb not realizing the ferocious red-eyes glinting, threateningly.

"We don't make any special exceptions at this school, Tokuchi-san." Tachihara Daichi adjusted his glasses once more.

"Hm~ Then I guess I shouldn't make any special exceptions about reporting to the authorities about the principal and vice-principal of a certain school hitting on minors."

"WHAT?!?!" The principal and vice-principal did a spit-take as they stared at the polite-looking girl in disbelief.

Hana gracefully pulled a black notebook out of her duffel bag and held it in front of her using her left hand. She then licked her right thumb before flipping through the notebook and landing on a certain page.

"Sakazuki Keigo and Tachihara Daichi were at Black Lotus Casino four nights ago and caused a public disturbance. They were then kicked out of the casino due to being too intoxicated and made females they came across uncomfortable by harassing them after their advances were turned down." Dark-red eyes glanced up from the notebook to stare at the two men who began to pale at the words leaving the female's mouth. "Sound familiar?"

Sakazuki Keigo slammed his hands down onto his desk as he stood up, "YOU HAVE NO PROOF!" The brown afro-haired man vigorously nodded in agreement.

Hana simply raised an eyebrow before turning the book to show the page she was looking at. Within the opened notebook, pictures of the two males performing various acts were taped. She then points to a picture of them with a blond.

"You see this cute girl? This my friend Nagisa-chan and she's a second-year high school student which means that what you were doing was considered highly inappropriate considering she's a minor. I also have it all on video and with one phone call, it'll be in the hands of the press. Now imagine what would happen if it gets out to the community that you two were hitting on a high school girl."

The vice-principal gulped before shakily pointing a finger at the girl who looked at them with narrowed eyes. "Y-you wouldn't dare-"

"Would you like to test that theory?" Hana pulled out her phone and began tapping on the screen.

"STOP!" Sakazuki Ango and Tachihara Daichi yelled simultaneously.

Hana grinned showing off her pointed features before putting her items back in her bag.

"Ahem. Tokuchi-san, no, Tokuchi-sama, As much as we would like to give you a room..." The bald man wiped off the sweat from his face from the sense of danger the girl in front of him symbolized.

'Since our necks are on the line' The two males rubbed at their necks and adjusted their ties

"I'm afraid that those dorms belong to the baseball team so you would have to ask the head coach for permission"

Hana stood up and then stretched, reaching her arms above her head. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go."

"Wait-but they have practice!" Afro-man begins making his way toward her.

"So take me to where the team is practicing then." Hana walks to the ridiculously large door of the office.

"Yes, but-" Baldy follows after her.

Hana stops before turning her head and glaring, "I said. Lets. Go."

"YES M'AM" The two fully-grown adult males cling to each other in fright, believing to have the devil herself in front of them.

As the trio made their way outside Hana calls out "Oi, Baldy!"

"Yes, Tokuchi-sama." The male nervously rubs his hands together as he follows after the imposing figure of the shorter girl.

"Why am I carrying my own bags?"

"We apologize! Please allow us to take those for you!" Sakazuki and Tachihara rush in front of the girl, bowing and offering their empty hands to her.

She hands the principal her suitcase and tosses her duffle bag at the vice-principal, who struggles with the weight of the hidden alligator.

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