"IS ANYONE UP THERE!?" I yelled into the skylight. "PLEASE, HELP!"

There was no use in wasting my voice if no one was going to come. I needed to figure this out myself. I reached my hands over my head and stood on my tip toes to reach the crate.
Grunting, I try to shake the cage open. But of course, just to my luck, it doesn't budge. That's when I notice the lock that's holding the doors shut. Would've been good to know. Sighing in defeat, I drop my arms to my side. How am I supposed to get out? I can't stay here forever.

While brainstorming ideas, I happen to glance to my left and see the pile of wooden crates. "I wonder if..." my thought trails off as I approach the crates.

Ultimately I decide to pick them up one by one and bring them to the middle of the cage, stacking them up to use as a stepping stool. But when I remove a few crates from their spot, I notice a shovel that must have been hiding behind them. "This could work," I say to myself.

I stand on one of the crates, hoping my feet won't fall through the wood, and hold the shovel tightly in my hands.

After a few times of banging it repeatedly on the door handles, I finally succeeded and the lock on the door fell to the ground with a loud thump.

A smile creeped from my lips. I then tossed the shovel on the ground and added two more crates to the individual one I was standing in. Using all my strength, I push one of the hatches above my head.
Successfully, it made it and came crashing down to the side. Now I was able to see a little bit of the outside of the cage. I hopped down from my stacked up crates and pushed the pile against the big crate wall to help me climb out.

My arms strained with weakness. But I knew I needed to get out. So I pushed through and pulled myself out of the cage.

"Holy shit..." I said out loud. My jaw quite literally fell open.

All around was this grassy, plain area. But the big shocker was the massive walls surrounding it with a huge opening.
I just stood there in shock for what felt like eternity, but was actually probably a matter of minutes. There was no sign of any people around. My head was spinning with confusion.

All of the sudden I heard a brutal young, male scream, and it came directly from the corridor openings. My immediate thought was "what the fuck is even happening?" But I realized that whoever is in there could need my help as much as I need theirs.

With out even taking a second to think, I did what could've been an incredibly stupid thing, I ran straight for those corridors.


What am I doing?  I thought to myself.
But I just kept running. I literally had nothing else to live for.

It was confusing at first, but I soon realized that beyond the corridors it seemed to be a huge maze, or puzzle. Walls after walls, hallway after hallway.

I only had heard the screams about 3 times more, and I had no way to tell the time.

All of the sudden, after almost losing hope of finding anyone, I jogged around a corner and completely stoped in my tracks. I slowly backed away and peered around the corner.

It was a boy. He was a bit far away, but he was laying on the ground near the wall clearly in pain. I could tell by his shoulders moving that he was crying. He had blonde hair from the looks, again i was too far away to tell.

Since We Were Kids (Newt x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt