The man at the head of the table cleared his throats and Leon scowled at the way the staff jumped, "Could be cooked more."
"Sorry sir. Won't happen again."

And then the two was left alone. Staff exited after Schlatt's demands, "Leon. Come with me, I must show you something."

"Show me something? Where?" Leon had the same, unfiltered angry gaze.
"Downstairs to the lab. Then I will tell you what you really are here for, per your demand."

It was like a wild goose chase. Going down the different corridors and through various doors and archways. To finally reach the descending stairs to a lit room underneath, Leon sighed at the sight. Wanting to just leave and never return, walking numbly down the stairs with his hands in his fathers cloak.
"Welcome. Take a seat sir- I mean; Master and sir." The lab worker bowed at the presence of Schlatt.

"Just call me Leon." The boy dismissed to the clearly shaking boy. He looked like a boy, about his age.
"I am sorry sir. Master won't let us call higher class by their names. I do apologize."

"Where is test 132?" Schlatt's voice boomed, handing Leon a pair of plastic gloves. 
"Right over here Master. We are near to completion."

And where the boy pointed was a table with a glistening purple looking axe with some sort of blood stain. Next to it was a vile of the supposable blood, "We have contracted no special cells that could have caused that, sir. Just normal blood of an over 20 year old women."

"Test it again. It cannot be possible what she accomplished." The man spoke back, the boy immediately ducked his head and went back to work. The horned man turned to the boy beside him with an, almost gentle smile. Yet, what Schlatt could muster as a gentle smile.

"My boy, since I know you like to kill monarchs of kingdoms with who I give a list by. I have a very special person that needs to die, the client who wants them dead is very annoyed at me right now. So I shall not show until she has perished. So that is why I am opting you for the job," The man spoke sort of fast, "That is, if you take it."

"I will, but I need a half cut in the money." Leon bargained, Schlatt hesitated before saying it was fine. "Name?"

"Y/N L/N. Princess of Relzic."

Time stopped like the movies. He can't. No. He won't kill his sister. Yes, she probably doesn't know he exists. Which is more then fine on his behalf. But Leon isn't going to kill his sister. But, he has to agree now. It will look suspicious why he just declines on that name. Leon doesn't want Y/N to have a bad reputation, since he knows Schlatt would figure out if he just says no. Maybe he could come up with an excuse? That won't work. The man who he works for is to smart and will see it.

Maybe he says yes. Figures out why. And get the necessary equipment to meet up with her again, and finally be the brother he wants to be. Even if Y/N doesn't know him, and probably saw the wanted posters posted around town.

"She will be arriving back in Relzic in about half an hour. I have asked one of my close friends to let you stay with them while doing it. The only offer I have is for you to do it, with this very axe"

"Why this axe may I ask?" Leon broke from thought.

"Because it holds, sentimental value to her. And I want her to at least see it one more time before she is gone."

"So will you?" Schlatt added on, hand tracing the handle of the axe he wants Leon to hurt his sister with.

"Of course."

And that is why he is now standing at the grand gate of Relzic in pure disguise, out in the open. Awaiting the return of the Princess.
No indication to kill her, more like do a little 'meet and greet' per say.



and this was going to be option 1, told you you guys would see this one as well. and even on the day after the other. what lucky people you are,

have an amazing day! About in my 3rd period lesson when posting this so woo
In art I did the green handprints from that book we all love ;')

love you! make sure to take care of your self, get some water and a snack, enjoy the sunlight or the dark :)

Would add more but my teacher is right in front of me ;-;

1515 words

a/n 2

Here is the picture of the thing I did cause I'm proud of it

Here is the picture of the thing I did cause I'm proud of it

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