Chapter Three

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Welcome back to my story!

Sorry for the late update!

BTW enjoy!

( there will be some mistake vocabulary but please don't mind it)



Aiden pov

" You heard it right?"

" Yes, we are." Alexander and Grayson said at the same time.

" We should pick her right now. I don't want her to be lonely for a long time" - Grayson said protectively. Even though it's been a long time since the tragedy happen.

Me and Alexander node our head agreed.

" I'll call the boys that we will go to the London" I said.

" I'll ask for the private jet to be ready" - Alexander.

We stood up and started to go to the airport. And then we take off to London.

In the jet ( phone call)

( conversation between Dad and Damien)

" Hello Damien, I wanna tell you that we will go to London right now. It's urgent." I tell in strict voice.

" Hello dad. Oh OK. But what happen?Is everything okay there?" - Damien

" No. Everything is fine don't worry. But make sure when I got back home all of your brothers will be with you in the living room. Except for Alexander and Grayson. They are with me." - Aiden

" Mmm ok. Take care, dad " - Damien

" Okay " - Aiden

( conversation end)

" I'm super duper excited to meet my little sister " Grayson said thinking everything he will do with Charlotte.

A very big smile on his face after a long time. My baby ( Charlotte) surely will change the current us.

Meanwhile, Alexander tapping on his foot. I can tell he excited too and nervous.

A soft smile appeared on my face.

' I don't know what reaction will Damien, Luca, Nathan and Caleb give' - my thought.

Charlotte pov

I wake up from my very good sleep. Or not Master will surely shout at me and just throw me to wake me up. My back were really hurt. The bruises still on my body.

' It really terrifying. I don't want it to happen again' my body shiver thinking it.

Suddenly, my stomach make a loud sound. ' I guess I wake up because I'm hungry after almost a week didn't even get a slice of bread ' I giggle.

' But where can I get food to eat? I don't think the officer will give me' I placed my palm on my stomach.

( John notice)

" Are you hungry?" John ask. I flinch. John tilt his head and decided to ignore it.

I nod my head softly not to anger him.

" Wait for a minute." - John started to go to the pantry and picked up some biscuit and make a hot chocolate.

( FYI She didn't know what food John bring/make)

After 1 minute, he's back. He give some biscuit I never ever taste before and a drink...

' What drink is this?' I make a question look on my face and it noticed by John.

He smiled and said " It called hot chocolate" and pat my head. Not before I flinched.

' Hot chocolate? It sound so good. I never taste it before.' I slowly reached my hands to hold the cup.

The first time I sipped it. A happy smile plastered on my face. 'It was so good!' I picked one biscuit and take a bite. ' It was so good too and sweet!!'

I love it so much.

After finishing the food and tasty drink, I sleep back. Don't angry at me because I'm really sleepy and want to sleep.

I make myself comfy on the sofa cuddling with the blanket and I already found myself drifting to deep slumber.

Aiden pov

Finally we arrive at London. We, immediately ride the black SUV. And I drive it. I didn't let my drivers drive because it will take so many times to see my little angel.

I don't f*cking care if I didn't follow the traffic light here. Because the head police know who I am. Including the government. I chuckle darkly.

They are not even important to me. What important now is my baby.

Skipping >>>>>>>

I park my car at the VIP section and we went inside the building. When my step touch the floor, the building fell into silent which is to my liking and my sons. We smirk.

( Luckily Nick was out from the room and the first one to see them)

* actually he scared to approach The Knight Family. Like REALLY*

Nick took a breath and start to approach them.

" E-excuse me, but are you Mr. Aiden Knight?" Nick ask. His body froze when I give him a cold glance.

" Yes, I am. So where is my daughter? " I said coldly.

" Y-you can follow me." He ( Nick) guide us to a room and enter it.

When I enter the room, I see another police officer and maybe a social worker sitted on a table work working onto something but immediately stand when me and my sons enter.

( How much I love it when people respect at me)

* Don't forget Alexander and Grayson think the same as their father *

I turned my head to my right and there she is. My daughter...cuddling with a soft blancet. I wish the blanket was me.

" Nice to meet you, Mr. Aiden. I would like you to sign this paper to take full custody of you daughter." The social worker said handing me the paper.

Of course I do not wasting my time to sign on that bullsh*it paper.

( done doing the 'take custody' thing)

" You can take her back. But she is asleep. Do you want me to wake her up? " Nick ask. I just shake my head.

I went to my baby and crouch down to her level and gently pick her up and place her on my embrace. She is so small and adorable but something doesn't fill right. She is so tiny but I will get over to this.

Charlotte face on my shoulder still sleeping with her cute face.

' Ughh she is so cute!'

We went out from the building heading to our car. Alexander and Grayson following on my back just because they observing Charlotte face and rubbing Charlotte cheek with their rough finger.

Their face was so soft looking to their little sister.


Thank you for reading!

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I didn't steal any other story. This is my story that I create it myself. I inspired it from many stories I've read.

Thank you for waiting!


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