Chapter One

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Please make sure you read the descriptions again!

I already change it!

Enjoy your reading!

Please don't mind my vocabulary. It's been a long time since I wrote this story.



Charlotte pov

'I have to make Master dinner hurriedly before he come home or not he will beat me this night for hour's '

Right now, my body start working to make dinner but my short legs and my hands plus all the bruises that in my body make my works slow.

My lips start to wobbling, tears already gathering in my eyes. I look at the clock..... 2 more minutes before Master come.

' I don't have enough time '

My tears started to pouring.

Before I start to make Master drink, the door banging open loudly and harshly.

' He's back'

My body frozen at the spot while hearing the footsteps coming slowly to the kitchen . My eyes didn't move from my feet.

The footstep stop and I can see a very big shadows in front of me.


I've been thrown to the floor by a single slap.

" Where is my dinner, you slut ?!!" Master roar make me flinch automatically.

" I-I d-dwidn't f-finish m-mwake y-you d-dwinn-" before I complete my words, a big punch land on my face.

" How dare you! I should just sold you to my friends so they can f*ck you! I don't f*cking care if you get raped by many man!" Master shout to me following by many punch and kick to my body.

I balled myself on the floor. The beatings keep going nonstop.

I don't understand what Master saying.

" P-pwease s-stop i-it's h-hwurts " I beg him. I can't handle it anymore. My tears didn't stop pouring out.

He didn't stop. He keep shouting something I don't understand.

Suddenly he kicked at my ribs with full of energy.

( her ribs are totally bruises)

" Aaahhh!!!!"

My hands move to my ribs. It's hurt. I can't handle it anymore. It's the worst beating I've ever receive from Master for 3 years.

There are black dot in my vision. Soon the darkness welcome me.

( Am I gonna die?)

Aiden pov  (Charlotte father)

( He's in his office)

It's been 3 years since my lovely daughter had been kidnapped. My wife died while giving birth to our 'sunshine' (Charlotte).

I missed her. We missed her.

I never give up searching for her but why can't I trace her?! It's like she disappeared from this world! From us!

My sons change. From the happiest boys to the cold-hearted boys. It's been a long time since I saw their smile reached their eyes.

They drowned theirselves to the mafia works.

They just want their little sister back. Including Me! I want my daughter bact to my embrace. Not someone else embrace. I hate thinking about it.

I bang my fist to my desk.

Suddenly my son Caleb enter my office. I know what he's gonna asking. He keep asking me the same question everyday. It's hurt to see my son like this.

" Dad, did you find her?" he stood in front of my desk.

" No" the replies I always give. My gaze didn't move from my paperwork.


Caleb throw my glass lamp to the wall before he go out.

I sigh. I called someone to clean the mess.

I goes back to my chair and lean my back and close my eyes.

' Where heve you been my baby? '

- to be continued -


I know this is short but I don't want to keep all of you waiting for a long time again.

If there is mistake on my vocabulary, please don't mind it.

( this is my story. I didn't steal any kind of story. I inspired it by many story I've read)

( please don't stole my story)


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