The jacket

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The paladins try to bond but it doesn't go as planned. 

TW: Suicide. 

"So we can ask anyone anything" Lance asked for the third time "and they have to show three memories that give an answer"

"yes." Shiro responded half heartily

"yes Lance" Allura sighed "you can ask anyone anything Hunk you'll go first"

"hm" hunk mumbled as he looked around the small circle of people sitting on the training deck floor. "Pidge. What made you choose the name Pidge Gunderson when you did the whole thing at the Garrison"

"oh. Well I was walking down fifth street" a small image appeared above Pidge's face "and I saw this mural of a Pigeon and underneath is said 'Fuck them and I just thought it looked cool. I also like guns. And I would be a son not a daughter so Pidge Gunderson."

"oh. I thought it might have some cool meaning or something. But cool!!"

"you overestimate me Hunk"

"Pidge your turn" Allura stated.


"what?" Keith asked

"how did you get kicked out of the garrison."

"you did what!!" Shiro exclaimed


"do you know how hard it was to get you in there" Shiro shouted "and you got kicked out!!!" He turned to Keith and looked like he was about to murder him.

"technically it was your fault"


"if you hadn't gotten kidnapped by aliens Iverson wouldn't have to have hid anything and I wouldn't have punched him"

"you punched Iverson!!" Pidge gasped

"oh my god. You were kicked out of the garrison!!" Shiro gasped "after all that work!! You were kicked out!"

"I doubt it matters now. We're in space now where near the garrison" Keith said. Shiro didn't seem to care in the slightest however.

"can we continue with the expercise please" Allura asked.

"fine! But we will talk about this later"

"ooh" Lance whispered "someones in trouble" he hissed.

"shut up" Keith retorted

"be nice to each other!" Hunk suggested.

"wait a second. Iverson's eye. Did you do that?" Pidge asked


"what happened to his eye." Shiro asked.


"I'll tell you later" Pidge promised.

"okay. Lance your turn" Allura instructed annoyance plagued her voice.

"what's with the jacket?" Lance asked pointing at Keith.

"my jacket" Keith asked slipping his hands into the pocket and looking at Lance.

"Yeah what's with it? You were it everywhere like it's your skin. What's up with it"

"oh um" in front of Keith an image flickered up. There was a smaller Keith sitting on the swings he looked maybe 7 years old and was sitting next to a taller girl who looked maybe 13 years old. She was wearing the cropped jacket. Lance gasped. "When I was younger it was hers. Lindsay's." Keith continued quietly. "She was like an older sister to me" another image showed up of Keith sitting on a bed with another kid a girl who had long blonde hair and a baseball cap on. Suddenly the door opened and Lindsay came out in a light blue dress.

"How do I look" Lindsay asked

"why'd you have to get all dressed up" the other girl on the bed asked. "And you look fucking awesome"

"language" Lindsay scolded

"for her date with Aaron" Keith said in a sing song voice.

"with Aaron" the other girl gasped


"it's not a date" Lindsay argued "it's just two friends hanging out"

"yeah right" the image flickered and was replaced by an image of two people standing in what looked like a dark warehouse several machines surrounded the two and the edge of the building both of them looked older now. Keith was maybe 10. Lindsay was 17 she was holding up a gun right next to her head. It looked like she was going to kill herself

"l-Lindsay. P-put the gun down" Keith whispered his voice cracked as he shuddered the panic in his voice evident


Lindsay answered there was no shakiness in her voice just defiance. As if she was ready to die.

"Lindsay. Please put the gun down! Please" Keith pleaded as tears welled in his eyes.

"only if you promise me something" Lindsay agreed tears now welling in her eyes as well.

"sure okay! I'll promise you whatever" Keith agreed nervously clenching and unclenching his fists

"promise me you'll make it out of this stupid fucking town. That you'll get o-out of here" she gasped taking in a large breath before continuing "that you'll do better than me and Aaron. You've got potential Keith." She whispered "do better than us. Do something great. Promise me you'll get out of here. That you'll do something great please"

"okay! I promise. Now put the gun down please" Keith asked

"I'm sorry" Lindsay whispered she turned the gun and a large bang went through the room.

"Lindsay!!" Keith yelled he ran towards her knees buckling as he fell next to her "shit" he hissed pulling Lindsay into his arms and cradling her gently. Keith placed a hand against her chest trying to stop the blood. It wasn't working. "Come on" Keith urged. "Shit" he hissed again. "Shit,shit,shit" Keith pressed against her stomach harder but it wasn't doing any good. More blood erupted from the room coating both of the two in blood.!

"I'm sorry" Lindsay whispered as blood dripped down her chin and all over her white shirt. "All my fault" she hissed "all my fault"

"hey! No. No. No. this isn't your fault. This isn't your fault" he repeated "you didn't do anything wrong" he whispered gently as tears dripped down his face Keith choked out a sob. "I-it's not your fault" the image in front of Keith faultered and disappeared as they saw the smaller Keith hug the girls body gently. Crying hard whole entire body shaking as he tried his best not to lose his best friend.

tears were streaming down Keith's cheeks his eyes red as the other Paladins looked at him in shock. Keith stood up.

"Keith-" Shiro began but Keith was already gone. Past Allura and out the training deck door. Nobody moved. The utter silence was chilling.

"She killed herself" Hunk whispered the shock on his face never wavering.

"well shit" Lance cursed as he looked around the room.

"shit indeed" Pidge added

"shit indeed"

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