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What if Lotor didn't show up at all during the battle of Naxela??

"We need to do something" Pidge grunted.

"We need a plan!!" Allura explained. 

"We don't have that kind of time Allura!!" Shiro argued. 

"WE NEED TO BREAK THE SHEILD" Hunk yelled over all of there voices. 

"But how!! None of the weapons are working against it" Lance shouted. 

"I have an idea" Keith stated 

"Whatever it is do it" Shiro snapped

"Hurry" Lance shouted. 

"KEITH NOOO" Matt yelled. 


Keith cut the coms of seconds nearly seconds at Shiro yelled at him. Bracing his hands on the controls and taking one last deep breath. They say when you die your life flashes before your eyes. Keith didn't see that. he didn't see his father's death. or the time's he was bullied as a child. or when he punched James Griffin in the face. Instead he saw the first time he met Shiro. Racing hoverbikes in the desert. Throwing Food goo at Lance. Staying up late with Pidge. Destroying the kitchen with Hunk. planning missions with Allura. and so many more memories of the last few years he spent in space. All of these memories hyping Keith up to do it. To save his family. Keith's eye's shot open steely and full of determination. he pushed forward instantly with his calloused hands

5 seconds till he would hit the shield. 

4 seconds

3 seconds

2 seconds


After the battle

"We did it!!" Lance yelled jumping up and down excitedly and hugging his best friend tightly. "HAHA We did it Hunk!!" He exclaimed. 

"Woah!" Allura sighed grabbing onto Shiro's arm to keep herself steady as she tripped out of the blue lion's mouth. 

"You alright?" Shiro asked

"I'm okay. That was... Rough" Allura said. 

"Yeah! But we won!! whatever Keith did worked!!" Pidge shouted standing in front of the blue and black paladins. "Where is Keith" They asked. 

"Probably off hanging out with the blades. Having some cool after party!!" Lance suggested. Shiro laughed at that. Before anyone could say anything to Lance's accusation the red lion roared loudly jumping into the air and speeding off in the opposite directions. "RED" Lance asked looking towards where the lion once stood. "Red?? wha-" Lance screamed clamping his hand's over his head in agony his knees buckled. "GAH!!" 

"Lance!" Hunk exclaimed suddenly dropping to the ground. "What's happening!!" He yelled 

"R-Red" Lance choked out biting his lip trying not to scream again. "S-she's mad something happen-DAAHHHH" Lance doubled over nearly vomiting. 

"Something must've happened to Keith!" Shiro exclaimed. Lance passed out in Hunk's arm seconds later. "Allura you and Hunk get Lance into a pod or help him somehow. Me and Pidge I'll try to find Red" 

"Got it!" Hunk said scooping up Lance in his arms bridal style and sprinting side by side towards the castle. 

Shiro pulled himself into the black lion. Black rumbled clearly annoyed at the sudden flight again. "Come on" Shiro whispered "Please black. We've got to help Keith" Black slowly got up and they started flying. Shiro didn't even touch the controls. The Black Lion understood Shiro's need to find his younger brother. It was the same feeling black felt now. To find and comfort Red. "We have to hurry" Shiro urged. and black sped up. Pidge following them not far behind. Black hit the ground in a matter of less than five minutes the red lion lay in the long grass were they landed it's normally golden eye's dark as it lay on it's side. Shiro ran out of the black Lion and looked around. Pidge rushing next to him seconds later the grass nearly up to there chest. 

"There!" Pidge exclaimed. "Smoke!" Pidge ran forward at Shiro's heels both of them whacking the tall grass out of the way. Shiro stopped and Pidge ran into him hitting the ground seconds later. In front of the two was a completely destroyed ship there was blood everywhere. Shiro pushed passed sheets of metal Pidge following behind choking out sobs. The pilot's seat of the fighter ship and the dashboard were both covered in blood. they're was no body. Just a sword stabbed into the destroyed cushion of the seat. Shiro slowly pulled it out of the seat. and it transformed into a Knife once again. Pidge let out a sob they're whole body shaking as they looked around. "He's gone" They whispered. Pidge wrapped there arms around themselves shakily. as they looked around once more. 

"he's gone" 

A/N: More deaths. Yay! Sorry if this sucked. Writer's block is a thing. and this book is suppoused to be helping with that. (It's not) So most of these Oneshots will probably be angsty and terrible. 

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