Chapter 34: This Cheerleader Has Secrets (Final Part Three)

Start from the beginning

The aroma of strawberry carpet spray fills my nose, seeing that I had cleaned it before I left for school this morning.

But then I realize the figure that made the noise is in fact standing in the middle of my bedroom. 

My eyes scan the figure's back straight to the blonde hair, but they don't stay to long and instantly stray to the shatters of glass onto the ground. The plunger in my hand touchdowns onto the carpet.

"How'd you get in here?" I growled, kneeling down to the family portrait that consisted of my mom, dad, Harmony, Aubrey and I when we were younger. When things were better.

The male looked startled, but after realizing it was me his face returned subtly. 

"The front door was open." He answered, kneeling down to help with the broken glass.

For the first time ever a trail of profanities escaped under my breath at my stupidity. How could I leave the front door open? The one entrance barely protecting me from possible death.

"That still doesn't give you the right to just invite yourself in, Byron." I spat, hissing at the small splinter that I just got from one of the shards.

"Hey, it was either me or some random stranger." He replied, obviously annoyed by my anger.

I ignored him and used the small nearby convenient blanket to gather up the glass and placed it on my dresser.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my tangled and wet hair which was not easy. 

"Why are you here?" I asked him, looking as he was so captivated by something. No, not the decor of my room, but the lack of clothing bestowed upon me.

My cheeks flushed red and I gripped the towel around me more. "I'll question you after I'm done getting dressed."

He smirked "Or you can just loose the towel and continue to question me?"

He put his hands up in defense when I glared at him. "Do what you want then." 

I rolled my eyes "I think you need to exit."


"My room." I said in a duh tone and a few seconds later he exited.

I locked the bedroom door behind and sat on the soft sheets of my bed, going over the thought that Byron Archer - the guy who I hate and might be my step brother- just saw me naked. Well in a towel anyway. 

Seconds go by and I get annoyed by Byron's impatient groans from behind my room door. I dry off with the towel, do most of my hygiene things and throw on a pair of grey yoga pants, a blue t-shirt and a huge grey hoodie. 

I don't bother blow drying my hair seeing that this won't take long and open the room door revealing a now content Byron.

"Now, why are you here again?" I asked, watching as he ran a hand through his disheveled yet still managing to look amazing hair.

I probably look like a wet cocker spaniel.

"Well your mom felt bad for not telling you about her new date with my dad so she asked me to check up on you."

I scoffed at that statement. "Why couldn't she send Bianca?"

He shrugged.

"Well I'm fine and you can leave now." I say with a fake  plastered smile.

"You know this new roller rink just opened up not too far away. We could check it out." 


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