Chapter 35

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A/N: I own nothing. Enjoy!


"Announcing the arrival of Duke Perseus Jackson and Lady Annabeth Chase!"

Her hand tucked in Percy's arm, Annabeth strode into the royal hall. She could feel the whispers and gazes of curious ball-goers as they turned to watch the door, like wolves thirsting over the freshest piece of gossip. Some gossiped over her clothing, the latest and exclusive designs from the boutique of Madam Drew Tanaka. Other commented on the affectionate state of the relationship between the Duke and the future Duchess, while others still made snide remarks of her rumored abandonment of Count Luke Castellan for the higher ranked Duke Jackson.

Soon, the pair mingled in the midst of the crowds, and Annabeth felt the sense of suffocation lessen.

How different everything was. In her past life during this time, Annabeth was escorted by Luke, her newly minted husband, who then immediately left her side to talk to others about business matters. He had also disappeared from her sight for a period of time that Annabeth now suspected was for Luke to secretly meet Kelli. Perhaps she had turned a blind eye to the pinkish blotches on Luke's neck that he had claimed were insect bites.

As if sensing her mind drifting away, Percy squeezed her hand in reassurance. Annabeth turned her head slightly to give him a breathtakingly wide smile. She wasn't faking it after all. Now, she was no longer a Countess, but the future Duchess. While the memories of the past would not fade away, the pain would. She was already starting to forget those years of silent hurt and tears.

"Announcing the arrival of Count Luke Castellan and Marquise Soleia Elucard!"

Annabeth smiled softly. She detected the eager gazes of some nobles who wanted to see her reaction to this piece of news, but she was truly delighted. It seemed that Marquise Soleia accomplished the task she had been set to do. Yes, if someone like Luke had been temped by someone who used all her wiles and fleshy beauty, then Annabeth had calculated that he might be tempted by someone else with the same charms, but with the addition of more wealth and a title. Kelli would pale in comparison.

Now all Annabeth had to do was sit back and watch the fireworks.


All eyes were on Marquise Soleia as she entered the royal hall, but not merely because of her glamourous beauty. After all what noblewoman did not have their own unique style of beauty? No, they had their eyes on the man she was entering arm in arm with.

The whispers quickly began to spread, hiding behind fans or moving mustaches. The head of the White Knights Order was standing beside Marquise Soleia. Of course, who hadn't heard of the rumors of Marquise Soleia's husbands dying in mysterious accidents. Would Count Castellan be the next?

As if she didn't mind the attention, Marquise Soleia had a beaming smile on her face. Count Castellan had a polite smile reserved for company, but he didn't look like he totally found the situation unpleasant. Of course, the word on the street was that the Castellan elders were trying to arrange a marriage between the wealthy Marquise and Count Castellan.

In the midst of the hustle bustle, no one noticed Lady Kelli Chase's eyes on the newest couple aristocrats. She clenched her hands, not noticing her fingernails digging harshly into her palms.

A harsh whack on her arm broke her glare at the pair and stopped Kelli from marching right up to Luke and demanding an explanation. One of Princess Medea's senior ladies-in-waiting shot Kelli a glance.

"Her Highness is about to enter. Wipe that sour expression from your face." The lady-in-waiting hissed. "And stay where you are. We are to be Her Highness' support for the night."

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