Chapter 25

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Kelli paced in her room so often these days, it was a surprise that she didn't wear out the carpet. Her room was a mess, due to her throwing her jewelry box on the floor and kicking the blankets on her bed. If anyone were to see her now, they would be shocked that Kelli was a Baroness. But Kelli didn't care about that.

Right now, nothing was going her way. Princess Medea was treating her coldly, and even contacting Luke was getting more difficult. The gossip that Count Castellan was getting engaged to Lady Soleia had quickly swept through the social circles. Kelli had coaxed, wheedled, and in the end screamed, but Luke could not give her a concrete answer on his pending engagement. He'd even told her he couldn't communicate with her for a while!

Damn those Castellans, Kelli swore. All the Castellan elders wanted was money and power, so they looked down on her as the potential wife of Luke. Even worse, Luke's uncle had insinuated that Kelli be better off as a concubine instead. How humiliating!

The once envious eyes that looked at Kelli were now turned to those of laughter and amusement, as though Kelli was just the newest source of entertainment. She refused to be embarrassed like this. All those people just wanted her to be crushed underneath their feet, but she swore that they would be bowing down before her instead. Once Princess Medea was Queen of Cuora, Kelli would be elevated into a higher position, and all those who looked down at her would receive their comeuppance.

So why hadn't anything gone to plan? Princess Piper was supposed to get the salty tea, and the maid Kelli had bribed seemed to be capable and willing after being given gold worth a year's salary. Something had happened in the midst, but try as she might, Kelli could not come up with any theories.

And now Princess Medea was demanding to see results. Kelli's mind seemed fuzzy whenever she was around Medea, as though she needed to do whatever it took to please Medea.

"I have given you a title, jewelry, and gold. So why can't you accomplish such a simple task?" Medea had said.

Kelli had no choice now. She had no marriage to rely on, and her benefactor was pushing her to take action. Kelli laughed bitterly. She should have known from the moment Princess Medea had shown up to her door and pointed a sword at her throat that she was playing with fire.

Kelli stopped her pacing and stared out at the window. If all went well with today's plan, her life would be back on track. If not...her neck was on the line.


"Goodbye! Goodbye!"

The children's voice rang out in a chorus as Annabeth and Piper waved at them from their carriage. They had visited the children in the orphanage again, braving the chill of the winter.

Annabeth touched her cheek where one little girl had given a kiss. If her darling daughter had lived, would she one day embrace Annabeth like that? Annabeth sighed, thinking of how she had never even gotten to name her baby.

Thinking that her sigh was because they were leaving the orphanage, Piper gave Annabeth a sympathetic smile.

"Let's come back soon," Piper said to Annabeth.

"Yes." Annabeth gave a soft smile in return.

The carriage was making its way back to the royal palace on the long road when the wheels suddenly shuddered. Annabeth had to steady herself on the carriage walls before she fell out of her seat.

Piper and Annabeth looked at each other.

"Broken carriage wheel?" Piper guessed.

"Maybe." Annabeth answered.

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