My Little Fairy(Billie Eilish X Fairy)

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I don't usually do Giantesses, but that doesn't mean I don't make exceptions

Naida's POV:

I was flying in the woods like I usually do, smelling all the beautiful flowers and jumping on all the mushrooms and just being my goofy self. You might think I am something that should only exist in fairytales, but nope...I am real, fairies are real, but we live in hiding.
Humans are not trustworthy, they never were. My reasons for not trusting them was simple, for centuries they'd hunt for my kind for their own profit and curiosity, which forced my kind into hiding in an attempt to protect ourselves from them. I fortunately wasn't born at that time, so I never had to experience this whole nightmare, but I was still petrified of humans, who knows what more they're capable of doing....
Anyways, enough with my past, time for the present. We live in hidden areas around the woods. My kind lives in a forest in L.A. to be more precise. It's a nice sunny climate here in California with a little rainstorm every now and then. It's a perfect climate for any fairy of this world, because we don't really like winter since our wings can't work properly in the cold.
I was flying around my forest when I saw something or rather someone walk in the woods. It was a human, a female to be more precise, who was looking for a good tree to relax at. She had beautiful blonde hair, that went till her shoulders, gorgeous ocean blue eyes, that you could admire all day and the most beautiful features ever. She was wearing a blue shirt and a pair of shorts and held a golden notebook in her hand.
As much as I wanted to fly up to her and strike up a conversation, I couldn't. She was a human and humans can't be trusted. Who knows what she's capable of, what if she'll hurt me? I thought to myself.
But me being me, I was taken over by curiosity and decided to follow the human. It didn't take long for her to find a spot to relax at and to stop.
I hid behind a branch, silently watching her. I could feel my heart beating, ready to fly right out of my chest, I could feel my breath getting heavier, my wings fluttering faster and faster. Before I knew it, I slipped and started falling, a scream let itself out before I could shut my mouth. There was no way the giant hadn't heard that...I was in serious trouble. I tried using my wings to stop myself from falling, but I barely had any time to react when I suddenly felt the fall stop.
I was confused when the impact never came. I was on an unusually soft surface, but had no clue what it was I looked down and gasped in fear....I....was....on....a....g..i..a..n..t....hand.
I looked up to see a pair of ocean blue eyes stare right at me, right into my soul. I could feel the panic emerge again. My heartbeat went haywire, my breath got heavier and my body started shaking in fear.

-"No, no no, please don't be scared." I heard a female voice boom over me and started panicking even more.

Billie's POV:

I had been lacking inspiration for my songs for the last couple of weeks and had difficulty coming up with anything new. So today I decided to take a stroll to the woods to get some inspiration since they say the peaceful atmosphere of nature can be a good inspiration for anything creative, from art to poems and songs and stories, anything that the imagination can create.
Just as I had found a spot to relax at, when I heard a piercing scream coming from the tree. I looked behind to see something fall, I quickly caught whatever was falling and moved it closer to get a better look, revealing a little fairy. She was so small, no bigger than my pinky finger, she had the most beautiful wings I had ever seen. The way they sparkled and glowed, the fairy's long blonde hair hung neatly around her shoulders and she had the most beautiful purple eyes, that displayed fear, which was directed towards me. I could feel my heart breaking when I saw her scared, shaking in fear.

-"No, no, no, please don't be scared." I spoke softly in order not to hurt her ears.

She looked up at me in fear.

-"Please...I won't hurt you." I reassured her.

She then moved closer and placed her hand on my finger, which was so adorable.

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