And We Meet Again(Harry Styles X Borrower)

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Yes I decided to write a Harry Styles Oneshot outside requests❤️😊

10 years prior:

Harry's POV:

I was at a fan meet and greet along with my bandmates Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn. We were signing Autographs and taking pictures with our fans. A lot of them were acting all crazy, but it was clear it was out of excitement. I would have felt the same way if I met one of idols. The group mostly consisted of teenage girls of various ages. No matter how crazy they were, I still love all of my fans no matter what, they are amazing and their support and endless love make my heart melt. Some of them kept asking for photos without waiting for their turn, which made everyone a little frustrated, but I tried my best to keep calm and patient.
I was in the middle of the meet and greet, when I saw something move on the floor, I approached it to get a closer look and saw a tiny girl, who looked to be about 7 years old, with long brown wavy hair and beautiful blue eyes. She looked at me in fear and you could tell she was nervous as her breath was heavy. "It's ok sweetheart, don't be scared, I am not going to hurt you." I told her as I approached her, but she flinched and backed off. "Please don't be afraid, I am sorry if I startled you." I said as an attempt to earn her trust, but instead she ran away and before I could comprehend....she was gone. She had vanished without a trace. I couldn't blame her, she was still a child and was scared. Maybe someday I'll get a chance to see her again.

Elene's POV:
I have been a huge fan of One Direction after I had heard their songs for the first time and was obsessed. Especially with Harry. So when I saw them  having a meet and greet in the building I lived, I just knew I had to see the boys even if I couldn't have them see me or had to watch from the distance, while the group of fans got to meet them and hug them. I was curiously looking at the meet and greet, when a huge pair of emerald green eyes landed on me, looking right at me. Those eyes though didn't belong to any other person...they belonged to the one and only Harry Styles himself. No matter how much I loved him and his band, I still got scared, fearing they would hurt me. Humans weren't exactly the most trustworthy beings and it was against the borrower code to show yourself to one of them. "It's ok sweetheart,don't be scared, I am not going to hurt you." Said Harry as he approached me, causing me to flinch and back off. "Please don't be afraid. I am sorry if I startled you." He said trying to reassure me, but I still ran, ran back into the walls as fast as I could without even thinking of turning back.

Present Time:

10 years have passed since my encounter with Harry Styles, now I am 17 and I borrow on my own. I have been separated from my family for years and am generally on my own...a little interaction with my fellow borrowers every now and then. But I am mostly on my own as my family went missing when I was only 8, i miss them so much. I hope wherever they are, they are ok. As for Harry Styles, he wasn't seen here in a long time nor have I seen the other 1D members.

——————————-Time Skip—————————-

I was really hungry and had run out food, which meant I had to go out for borrowing in order to get something to eat. I got ready for my borrowing and went outside the walls. I ran towards the kitchen of the house and froze in spot. I was not alone, in the kitchen was a human, who had recently purchased this house. This wasn't exactly a house more of a mansion. It was a perfect spot for borrowing, but now I had a problem to face. How was I supposed to borrow food without him noticing me? Think Elene, think...there has got to be a way. I can stay in the shadow and make my way towards the cupboard like that, genius absolutely genius.
I grabbed my grappling hook and used it to climb on top of the cupboard and hid behind a vase. Just when I thought I was safe, I felt his hand on the top of the cupboard, where I stood, trying to reach something, which he did with ease, taking the vase I was hiding behind. I panicked, I didn't know what to do, I was shaking, I could feel my heart beat faster and faster, trying to rip its way out of my chest, my body was shaking and trembling, no words could describe the fear I felt. I stayed silent hoping he wouldn't notice me and leave, so I could finally get some food, but he didn't, he wasn't leaving. And I already knew why. He was making dinner for himself. I could tell by the scent coming from it. I had not noticed I had gotten distracted when I accidentally slipped and started falling, screaming, on my way to die, plummet to the floor. I was waiting for the impact believing the end was near, but it never came. I was no longer falling, I was now on an unknown, soft surface. I sat up and froze. I was on the human's hand. Not just any human's, it was Harry Styles himself looking down at me. I wonder if he'd recognize me as he had seen me 10 years ago when I was only 7. My thoughts were interrupted by his booming voice.

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