Tom Hiddleston X Borrower

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For lamo2004

Lauren's POV:

It's been ages since I lost my family...yeah I didn't always live alone, years ago I lived with my family...Life was way easier back then...
I can still remember my mom's stories she told before bed, the smell of the cookies she made when I felt down, I can still remember my dad's jokes he'd tell to cheer me up and my siblings...they were my only friends. We never had contact with other borrowers since the other families had moved out long ago....
How did I lose my family?
It's a long story...
My parents went borrowing one day and never came back, I still don't know what happened to them to this day....
Me and my siblings chose to leave the house for our own safety, but they never made it...they were killed by a ruthless cat...

I've been alone since then....

It's been 4 years since then, now I am 16 and living in a human's house in secret, all alone. He's not home most of time, which makes it easier for me to borrow what I need.
You may think it's fun to be someone like me, but it's never easy, when you live in a world thousand times bigger than you, living in constant fear of being discovered and hurt.

—————————-Present Time—————————

The human isn't home, so I can go borrowing. I have been running low on water and food, so I really need to refill my resources. I grabbed my boots and put them on. I then grabbed my grappling hook, my bag, I tied my hair into a ponytail to get it out of my way when borrowing, I put on my borrowing clothes and set out for my dangerous mission.
I used my grappling hook to get on the kitchen shelf to grab some cereal , they'd be enough to go for a week.
I had almost finished borrowing and was about to get some water when I heard footsteps. Oh no...that could only mean one thing...It's the human...the one, who lives in this house.....and worst of all...the footsteps were heading towards me....
I froze in fear, I didn't know what to do, I had never come face to face with a human, what if he'd capture me or hurt me? Or maybe even kill me? I need to fast as possible...
I started running and was about to run behind a jar of sugar when I heard a male voice.

-"Omg, is that a tiny person?" I heard.

I stayed hidden, hoping he would leave soon. I could feel my breath getting heavier.

-"I know you're here somewhere."

I heard his booming voice.

I knew I had to run as fast as I could. I couldn't stay hidden forever, so I decided to run away without him noticing. So I started running, hoping to escape.

Tom's POV:

I had returned home after a long day of filming my newest movie and signing fan autographs . I was really tired and was hoping to watch a film, so I went into my kitchen to make some popcorn. But I came across something ,more like someone I never thought I would find in my own kitchen. I was walking towards my kitchen shelf, when I saw something run behind the sugar. I decided to get a closer look and saw a tiny girl hiding behind the sugar jar. I was shocked. I had heard about tiny people,but never had I seen one until now.

-"Omg, is that a tiny person?" I said out loud.

I waited for her to come out for a good 2-3 minutes, but realized she wouldn't come out.

-" I know you're here somewhere." I said to let her know I was aware of her presence.

Lauren's POV:

I ran as fast as I could. The human hadn't noticed me move, so I could leave unnoticed. I was running to the edge of the counter, unaware, that a giant hand was following me close behind. I could feel my breath getting heavier and my legs getting tired. I fought my legs to carry me further and faster, away from the human. I was about to make a jump, when a giant hand blocked my path. I chose to change my direction and escape from the other side of the counter, but the human caught up with me and before I knew it, I was faced with a wall of flesh...I was cornered, there was no way out, I couldn't get away from him. I then felt his hand picking me up, high into the air. I was too scared to look up, so I kept my head down, hugging my knees.

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