Harry Styles X Borrower

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Made For the Amazing RBerkmanLadybug

Rylee's POV:

I had been avoiding humans for as long as I can remember...since I didn't exactly have a good experience with them.
I was hurt by one when I was really young.
The human I last encountered was a cruel alcoholic. He would get drunk every day and then he'd grab a knife and would cut on my skin, causing scars on my body or he'd throw me against the wall so hard, that I'd end up in horrible bruises every time he did so, which ended up scarring me so bad, that I developed a strong fear towards humans...
One day, I couldn't take it anymore, so I decided to run away from him.
I didn't know where I was going, I didn't care much back then, all I wanted to do was to escape him. I grabbed my stuff and ran from that house. There was no turning back now.
You may think I am completely avoiding humans, but not quite actually. I remember years ago when the last human I lived with wasn't home, I saw his computer was on, so I walked closer to it and accidentally ended up playing a song. I instantly felt so good, it felt like there was a positive energy flowing through me, giving me strength. I looked at the screen to see what the song was called and it read "Two Ghosts" by Harry Styles. After that I fell in love with Harry's music. It really helped me stay strong during that tough stage of my life. Luckily I was free now and didn't intend to lose my freedom. I ran as fast as I could and saw a house in the distance. I ran closer to it and realized how huge it was.
It wasn't because I was small, it was actually big, like an actual mansion, perfect for borrowing....

Since then I've been living in the human's house secretly for 3 months and was pretty good at not being caught. Despite how long I had been living in the house, I never saw what the human looked like since he was mostly out.
You may think I was living my best life, but I wasn't. There was one thing bothering me....Loneliness. I had been lonely for a really long time, sometimes I'd wish I had someone to keep me company...

——————————Present Day——————————-

It was getting colder and I really needed some tissue to warm myself up and I was running low on food supply, which meant I had to go out for another dangerous mission called borrowing. I got all my tools ready including my grappling hook and bag. I put on my boots, outfit, tied my hair up in a ponytail in order to get it out of the way of my borrowing and left my house in the walls.
The borrowing was going smoothly and perfect as usual. I had grabbed some food, tissue and water, all I needed was to get back home safely. Little did I know was, that the human was home earlier than usually, on this particular day...
I had just gotten some crackers and was about to head towards the vent, when I heard the sound of the front door opening. I froze....oh no....but the human wasn't supposed to be back yet....What if he sees me? What if he will hurt me like the previous human I've encountered? I started panicking, I could feel my heart almost ready to fly out of my chest, I could feel my breath getting heavier....I had to run...NOW!!!

I was about to run into the vent, when I heard someone say. "Wwait!!! Please don't go!!!" I stopped for a few seconds, but still ran into the vent.

Harry's POV:

I had just gotten back home earlier from work. I had finally finished the upcoming album and was free to leave the studio sooner than usually. It had been a while since I had some time to myself, so I was pretty happy about spending some time relaxing and doing things I usually didn't have time for. I drove home and opened the front door. Little did I know, I'd experience something I never thought I would. After taking off my coat and shoes, I went into the kitchen to make something to eat for myself...when I saw something small running to the kitchen vent....or rather someone. I went closer to get a better look and saw a tiny girl run towards the vent. I  had heard about borrowers, a race of tiny people, that live in the walls of human houses, but I never had the chance to see one until now. I didn't want her to go, I really wanted to talk to her.

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