Chapter 4

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My eyes fluttered as I regained consciousness "What happened?" Tiny lights danced in front of my eyes. My head felt as if I was whizzing down a plughole. A cool droplet of sweat beaded down my forehead. I tried to lift my hand to my face, but my muscles refused to cooperate with my brain.

"You fainted." I heard a gruff voice say. It must have been Connor. I heard the door slam shut and an excitement fill the air. "Is she awake?" said a voice. It was timid like a dormouse, but it still clanged inside of my head like somebody was banging a hammer inside. I silently pleaded for it to go away.

"She is." An older and gentler tone replied. Everything seemed louder than it was in reality and with every small sound felt like metal clanging together.

Ugh, is it time to go home yet?

I could feel the eagerness radiating from the small voice and it strangely filled me with a comforting sense like a cosy blanket. The blurred images slowly subsided, the swirling in my head relented, and the room came into focus. It took a moment to adjust before I noticed a young girl, no older than 9, hopping from foot to foot in front of me.

She had dark brown, almost black ringlets that framed her dainty face. She had dim hazel eyes that held a sense of wonder, but they hid a weariness inside them. I guessed she had been through more than she let on. The positivity she radiated masked a sadness etched within her.

"I'm Shanti." She giggled as she thrust her hand out in my face. I'm not sure I could handle her over enthusiasm. It wasn't in my usual vocabulary. It was like somebody had filled her full of sugar. I dragged myself up into a sitting position on the ragged sofa I lay on. I took the little girl's hand in my own, she vigorously shook it in response causing as a feeling of sickness to wash over me as my entire body shook with it. Connor, seeing my discomfort, gently laid his hand on Shanti's shoulder. I ceased shaking immediately.

She looked up innocently and mouthed, "Sorry, my Mummy says I get too excited." A look of sadness crossed her pretty features. It made my heart ache to look at her.

"I just get so excited meeting new people." A wide, toothy grin replaced the look. I couldn't help noticing the enormous gap where her two front teeth should have been.

"How old are you, Shanti?" I said.

"I am 9 and a half." She counted it out on her fingers. Her enthusiasm was infectious. I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Connor, why don't you take Shanti outside for some fresh air?" The Mágissa said, a smile playing on her lips. She had been watching the exchange silently with curious eyes, but had now decided it was her turn. Connor didn't say a word, instead electing to take Shanti by the hand and pull her towards the door.

"Hey, wait a minute." She protested, but his grip tightened slightly, pulling her towards the door. She was still craning her neck to see me, but Connor gently guided through the threshold.

"Come on, Shanti we'll play outside." he said. She turned, squealing, "Yes!" before disappearing, presumably, out into the field.

I guess concentration isn't one of Shanti's strong suits.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought. Despite my misgivings at my surroundings, it was impossible to deny that she was contagious with her happiness. When they were safely through the door, he shut it softly behind him. Shouts of excitement came through the window when I heard her scurry down the rickety steps and onto the grass below.

The Mágissa turned to face me. I smiled sheepishly, but I could not look her in the eyes. The older woman's intense gaze had me squirming uncomfortably under the scrutiny. It was like she was trying to see into my soul. Her eyes didn't waiver when she asked if I knew why I was here. I gave a slow shake of the head to answer her question; I didn't want to risk another wave of nausea.

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