Near the ocean

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Hey my scribbles! 

Today we got a special story, with 2 parts. However, the second part is not full of hypnosis and mind control, so will not be posted here. That part of the story will be posted on my amino community, where you can see how it ends. 

I had a blast writing this so I hope you enjoy! Have fun reading and hopefully see you in amino. If not, see you next week for another story!


'Thank god that is over.' Renay grumbles letting himself fall on the sandy ground. It scrubs against his dark skin, the damage from the fight making it more painful. 'Remind me to next time when we get sent on a quest, tell the lord of the land to give us more information beforehand.' Aalton chuckles, petting the smaller male on the back gently. 'Whatever you say, Renay. But know we can't keep demanding information, it would ruin our reputation.' 
Renay sits up and lays his sword in front of him, rolling his eyes a little. He then lets himself fall on the beach again, his body aching when he lifts his head to look at his merman friend with a chuckle. 'At least it was at sea, you are most at home here are you not?' 
'Why yes of course I feel at ease!' Aalton smiles brightly showing his sharp shark-like teeth, the slit pupils in the man's sea-green eyes widening. 'It's a pure delight to once again feel the ocean breeze!' The few scattered fish scales on his cheek and neck shining in the setting sun with a soft breeze and the waves making a calming atmosphere. 

Renay turns around facing the ocean. 'I am glad we got you on the team. Without you or Cel I would never have been able to get this far.'  He over at the sword lying on the sand. Its holster decorated with gold leave and looking expensive, but the sword inside being the real treasure. 'I wouldn't be a worthy wielder of this sword.' 
A sweet smell washes over Renay, like berries or sweet potatoes. But a spicy scent is hidden in it. 'Are you being gloomy again, Renay?' A cheerful female voice comes from behind him. Of course, it is her.  'Don't be sad before dinner, will you?' 
Turning around Renay sees Cellica standing there on the beach, her green cloak tied around her middle. For once her brown hair is loose and hangs over her shoulders. It makes her look even more attractive and Renay quickly looks away from her.
Cellica hands him a wooden plate before sitting down in front of them. Observing the meal, Renay raises a brow. 'Where did you find the vegetables to fill a plate for us each. We aren't in the forest but at the beach?' 
'Just sit down and eat, you rhyming dummy.' Cellica says as she grabs her own plate. 'I mean, I am a forest elf, I can grow some plants to get us food quickly enough. Don't you know that by now?' 

The young elven maiden closes her eyes, laying one hand on her chest and one on her forehead. She starts softly whispering something to herself, Renay knowing now it was a prayer to her own gods as thank for the food.  
Not being able to keep his eyes off her, Renay suddenly feels a gentle elbow against his shoulder. Aalton has taken place next to him giving him a knowing smirk. 'If you feel such a connection, why don't you show her your affection?' The merman whispers to the smitten male. 
Renay feels his cheeks becoming a little warmer than they were before and prays to the gods that it isn't visible. 'I could never, you know that Aalton. She's from a different world, a different culture.' Renay lays the plate on his lap and looks at his hands, calluses on them. 'I am just a knight who was lucky enough to get a magical sword.' 
Aalton shakes his head a little, looking at the male with a sad smile. 'Don't be so down my friend, you have a chance. Though that might end if you don't make an advance.' 
'I will think about it.' the troubled knight mutters as his crush opens her pink eyes and smiles at him softly. He blushes more and looks at his food, grabbing the plate and eating in silence. 

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