Less than a pinch

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Hey there, my beautiful scribbles!
My second chapter is finally out! I am so happy about this one, it's a bit longer but so nice! I am really proud of it! I hope you will enjoy it. If you do vote and react to it, also follow me for more info!
This was suggested by one of my friends on my amino! More info about the hypnosis-paradise amino in the posts on my profile! 
Till next week with a new update!


Smiling a little, Delaney sips on their iced coffee in bliss, as they look around the small café. It was quiet, and their companion had not yet arrived. Delaney was early, after all, something they always did in meetings like these. It didn't come without risk after all.
As they are taking another sip of the cold drink, the familiar bell rings. Looking up with their red eyes, Delaney scans the area to see who just arrived. They put their cup down and their hand up, signaling to the person. The male matches the description and Delaney is thrilled to get this started.
As the boy walks to them, Delaney takes in the features. Deep brown eyes compliment the guy's slightly toned skin. The gray jeans and denim jacket almost give the impression that the guy doesn't care, but tapping into his mind, Delaney hears the insecurity and pressure the guy puts on himself. 

As they get up, Delaney approaches the male with a calm smile. 'Greetings, it's a pleasure to finally meet you.' they say. The male shakes the hand, as the lightly tanned skin contrasts with Delaney's white one. 
The male sits down at the small table, crossing his legs. 'It's nice to meet you too.' he says in a deep voice. 'I hope I am not too late?' He gives a confident smile, but his thoughts tell a different story. 
'You are not at all.' Delaney says in a soothing tone, letting a little of his magic slip into his voice. 'I prefer to be a little early on these types of meetings. It isn't always safe, you see.' The man relaxes a little and nods, making Delaney smile.  'But more ethical than other ways, so I prefer this and think it's the best way.' 
Looking at the male, Delaney is greeted with slightly glazed-over eyes. They went a little far, it seems. Then again they are really good at this 'Would you like a drink?' 
The male snaps out of his daze with the question and nods a bit embarrassed. 

Calling over the waitress, Delaney smiles a little. The guy in front of him instantly looks at the woman, staring at her surprised. She has raven black hair and almost reddish-brown eyes. The male stares into them, smiling blissfully. 'Katherine, no playing with the customers.' Delaney remarks sighing. 
The woman pouts a little rolling her eyes. 'You aren't any better, don't think I didn't notice you using some of your power just now.' 
Delaney shakes their head annoyed. 'That was for a completely different reason.' they say. 'Now, I want another Iced coffee please.' Looking over at their companion, they nod. 
'I would like a blackberry smoothie please.' the male says as the waitress writes it down and leaves. 'You said coffee makes it bitter, so I hope this works.' 
Delaney nods and smiles a little. 'I am really sorry for her, she loves toying with others' minds more than I do.'
'She is one as well then? A, you know?' He taps on the table looking for the right word.
'A vampire, indeed.' Delaney says with a small nod. 'A lot more, playful and hidden one than I am though. I don't use my powers unless I deem it necessary. She just has a different view' 

Soon after the drinks arrive. Instantly the guy starts taking sips of his smoothie 'But, it seems that I forgot my manners earlier. I am Delaney, Del for short.' They smile a little. 'And as you probably know, I am a vampire.' 
The guy chuckles. 'I know, that's why we are here today, I didn't forget.' He smiles a little. 'My name is Tyler, nice meeting you Del.' 
'Nice meeting you too, Tyler. How about we talk a little more before we go to my place?' Delaney suggests as they slowly drink their coffee. 
'Sounds good.' 

Delaney stands up and reaches out their hand. 'Shall we go to my place? I know a shorter route.' Tyler nods and takes their hand. The vampire closes their eyes and the world starts to spin. When Delaney opens them again, they quickly catch Tyler. 'Are you okay, I should have warned you, my apologies.' 
They gently put Tyler on the couch behind them, and the male smiles a little. 'I'm good, I just was a little surprised.' He smiles. 'I didn't know vampires could teleport.' 
'We can do lots of things, and one of them you already experienced a little bit.' Tyler looks at him confused. 'Hypnosis, I used my voice to calm you down, and Katherine used her eyes to lightly hypnotize you.' 
Tyler chuckles. 'I see, I didn't know that was how it felt? So, relaxing, I always thought it would be a bit scarier.' 
'Humans think everything that is unknown is scary. But not even what we are going to do is scary or painful. It is less than a pinch, but I could make it completely painless if you want?' 
Tyler looks at Delaney curiously. 'Go on.' 

'Well, I could use hypnosis to make it completely painless and way more relaxing.' Tyler stiffens a little. 'But, I will not do anything without your consent, however. The choice is up to you.' 
Tyler thinks for a bit but then nods. 'Sure, go ahead. Why not go all the way, we are going to do this anyway.' He grins. 'Just no weird things like triggers or other lasting effects, okay?' 
Delaney nods and smiles. 'Those are fair conditions. Very well, then, get comfortable and we can start.'

Delaney lets their magic flow in their eyes. They slowly start to look like they are glowing. 'Look into my eyes, Tyler.' Delaney orders. 
Tyler looks up into the vampire's eyes, and a noticeable shiver goes down their body. Delaney smiles a little, letting the male just stare. 'That's good. You can just look into my pretty red eyes, and let them relax you. Why don't you relax your muscles for me, Tyler?' 
Tyler nods and slumps back into the couch, smiling a little as the red reflects softly in the brown eyes. 'This feels nice Del.' He says softly. 'They are really pretty.' 
Delaney has to stop themselves from laughing. This guy is so easy, he clearly wants this badly. Why not give him more if he wants it that bad. 'That's right Tyler. They are very pretty. You just want to get closer to them, don't you?' 
Tyler tries to get closer and Delaney helps him, pulling the helpless male close to him. 'You can just stare, and relax. It's so easy to do that for me, isn't that right?' Again, Tyler nods and Delaney strokes his hair softly. Looking into the male's mind, it seems he is already almost blank. And they haven't even started yet. 
'Such a good boy for me, already so empty and blank. It is nice to be blank, it makes you feel blissful, doesn't it?' Tyler nods and smiles. 'That's right, why don't you let me think for you, that's easier isn't it?' 
'Yes, easier... No thinking...' Tyler murmurs softly. Delaney smiles and looks at the male, whose glassy eyes stare back. 
'I will count down from 5 to 0, and at 0 you will be deep under my power, understood?' Tyler nods and Delaney starts counting. '5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and drop.' 
Tyler's eyes close as his head rolls back, showing his gorgeous neck to the hungry vampire. 

'Now, I am going to bite you in a moment, and when I do, you will feel nothing other than bliss and happiness and calm. Understood?' Tyler nods a little and Delaney smirks, moving to the helpless man's neck. The thrill of the hunt courses through them as they grin, before slowly piercing the man's neck. 
Quickly tapping into Tyler's mind, Delaney smiles as they don't notice any pain or even discomfort. Quickly but carefully, Delaney starts drinking from the male. Tyler gives a relaxed hum, as he slumps more into the couch. He can't think about anything other than the warm red, and the nice relaxed feeling he is getting. 

After a little, Delaney quickly moves away from the male and covers the wound with a bandage. 'Now, in a moment Tyler, you will wake up. And when you do, you will feel like you just woke up from the best nap ever. Okay?' 
Tyler smiles a little, nodding. 'Okay.' he softly murmurs. Delaney strokes his hair as they place the male in a little bit more comfortable position. 
'Good boy, now, awaken in 3, 2, 1. And up for me.' Delaney smiles as they get up to get some drinks, hearing Tyler yawn and stretch. Licking the last drops of blood off their lips, Delaney returns with some juice to a slightly pale but smiling Tyler.
'Wow, that was, wow.' Tyler says while taking the glass of juice. 'Thank you, that was, amazing. I never thought it would be this relaxing, it didn't even hurt!' 
Delaney chuckles, humans are sometimes so predictable. 'What did I tell you? Less than a pinch, that's all it is.' They smile as the sweet coppery taste of blood lingers in their mouth. 'You tasted really great too. I am grateful that we could do this.' 
Tyler smiles and nods. 'It was really cool! We can do this another time, or just hang out. If you want of course.' He gives a toothy grin and smiles a little. 'It is nice to relax, and not have to, you know. Be something that society wants?'  
'It's very freeing indeed. And sure, we can do this more often.' Delaney nods and smiles a little. 'For now, would you like to watch some television perhaps?' 
Tyler nods and smiles. 'Sounds like a plan.'

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