"Where's Bellamy?" Were the first words out of my mouth as I gained complete consciousness.

"We don't know. He was probably taken somewhere else. We only woke up a while ago, in here, just like you." Emori replied.

"How are you feeling?" Jordan wondered.

" A little dizzy but mainly fine. Do we know what they shot us with? Will it cause any permanent damage?"

"I think it was simple anesthetic darts. No need to worry for now."

"Good. Now, we need to find Bellamy."

"How the hell are we supposed to do that? We have no idea where he is, or how to get out of here." Murphy sarcastically pointed out.

"Let's make a plan then."

Murphy rolled his eyes. "Whoah,why didn't I think of that?"

I facepalmed shaking my head.

"So what do you suggest we do in here?"

"Just wait?"

"Stop fighting! This isn't helping anyone. They will probably come to us soon so until then we do what Murphy said and just wait,without fighting." Miller lectured us.

Suddenly six disciples barged in and each one of them grabbed one of us. Someone grabbed my arms from behind. I struggled against his hold but he didn't seem affected by it.

"Where are you taking us?"Raven spoke up

"Didn't you come here to see your friends?We are taking you to them."

"How do we know you're not lying to get us to cooperate?" Miller claimed.

"You can't but would you really lose the opportunity to see them?"

"Lead the way then." Emori said apprehensively but not wanting to test them more.


Octavia's POV

My eyes blinked open. I was confused for a few seconds but as I slowly regained consciousness I remembered Gabriel shooting at us.

Freaking moron.

I looked around to see Echo, Diyoza and Hope already awake.

"What's going on?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"We have no-

The door suddenly opened. In came a few disciples holding....our friends?

"Octavia!" Clarke yelled at me. Immediately she fought off the man's hold on her, who let her go easily, and ran to me.

She wrapped her arms around me as tightly as she could and I reciprocated her hug just as tight.

Letting go of her, I looked at the others and the thought occurred me, "Where's my brother?"

"We- we don't know. They took him when we were knocked unconscious." Clarke's voice was weak, regretful as she replied.

"Is this a joke?"

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