Let's talk about your eyes

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This silence reigns my world.
It's been a while since your voice I have heard.


When the sun started to rise and Mr. Gomez's rooster began to wake everyone up, I found myself getting up and walking up to my room. Thankfully no one had woken up yet so I got to my room without any interruptions or questions about what I was doing inside.

My first thought as I went inside was to jump on my bed and close my eyes but it was a school day and I had resolved that I wouldn't let Romeo affect my life more than he already had so reluctantly I freshened up, changed and did my hair.

The mirror reflected back the same image I had been seeing growing up but I couldn't help but notice how the image had changed since the first day of school, going from bright and alive to dull and drained.

The house was alive with its usual morning banter but I took no part in it and quietly seated myself at the kitchen counter, awaiting my mother's sandwich. The room fell quiet when they looked at me but I gave no heed.

Dad combed through my hair and I tried to smile but it wouldn't reach my eyes. When everyone went back to what they were doing, dad leaned in and whispered, "You've spent a night thinking about that guy, Cecy. I think it's time to let go." And he kissed my head and stepped back.

I wasn't surprised that he knew I was outside the whole night. His words caused a pressure I felt in my heart, forcing a revival and I blinked away thoughts of Romeo to pay attention to what was going on around me.

When I got to school I tried my best to avoid him but there he was.

Standing with David, Romeo talked in quiet whispers as I walked by with my head held high and my step not too quick. And that was it. He didn't try to stop me. So I didn't, nor did my step falter.

In time I walked into Miss Jean's class and for the first time this year she didn't give me a weird look. Her eyes zeroed in on my face and I thought I saw them hold regret but she turned away as more students started to walk in.

I took my usual seat and let my head drop on my hands, the exhaustion of last night taking over so much so that I didn't feel it when Freya shook my shoulders and demanded for me to get up. I only did when she did it for the third time.

When I looked up at her she gasped and put her palm flat on my cheek, observing my eyes.

"Why didn't you sleep last night?" She suspiciously asked just as Romeo walked in and my eyes had no choice but to follow him around the room as he sat furthest from me. I didn't look at his face. I couldn't bear to. I only looked at his red leather jacket, finding something to focus on.

Freya noticed my eyes and grabbed my chin, "What did I tell you? He did this to you didn't he?"

"No, he didn't- well technically he didn't. Point is, F, you need to sit down and shut up cause my head is killing me and I can't stand the way you're shouting."

She eyed me saving her lecture on boys, which I was sure she had prepared just now, for later.

"And oh I have a date." I whispered as quietly as I could to her but no matter how quietly I had whispered that, I still saw a flash of red move uncomfortably in a chair from the corner of my eye.

Well at least it affected him.

"A date? With Romeo?"

"No... not really." I slowly managed to say.

"Is it that mystery guy you met on the bell tower. The one Romeo seems to think could be dangerous but we all know he's jealous of?" She said in one breath, her cheeks pulled up in a Cheshire smile.

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