Chapter 15 (Part 2)- The Return of a Precious Life

Start from the beginning

"B-but that's just... impossible... How can she..." Mikasa stuttered. "No human could possibly survive those injuries." She added, looking quite shocked.

"That's why I'm going to have to deepen my reasearch about the subject." She said with her tone more serious than before, as she adjusts her glasses. "Call me immidiately if (F/N) is well enough to talk" she instructed.

And before any of us could ask anything more, she continued.

"Oh, which reminds me?!!" Hanji stated, closing her notebook, as she stands up from her chair. "I have to tell the news to Levi Immediately~!" And with that said, the crazy-brunette walked out the room with her hand waving as a goodbye.


Hanji's POV

"(F/N)'s Alive!!"

After hearing that sentence, Levi did not think twice to stand up from his position, the small man ran towards the door, not giving even a slight care about the untainted rug thrown casually on his office floor, or his cleaning-outfit still attached to him. The only thing that was in his mind is that the person who he loves with all his heart and soul is alive.

"Levi! Wait!" I yelled, 'I should've known better than to shout the news to that short-stack.' I told myself, looking at Levi's figure slowly disappearing as he gets farther and farther away from his office. I couldn't catch up, since I already ran miles to come here, 'man I'm so stupid!' I thought, slowly catching my breath. "Who am I going to explain all my research to, now?"

"What research?" A familiar voice says, making me gasp.

Trying to find out who's familiar voice that came from. "Eyebrows?--" I said, guessing it was Erwin. Turning my sight to where the voice came from, I was right. Although, he doesn’t look too happy, hearing what I just said. "err... ehhm... Erwin?" I added, trying to replace what I first stated.

The man just lets out an audible sigh as a response, continuing with his paper work... of course, "So, what research?" He asked once again.

"About, (F/N)" I quickly replied; sitting on the office couch, facing the bushy-browed man.

“Isn’t she the one who died because of a  very clumsy titan-shifter?" He asked flatly, still scanning all the papers on the table, not meeting my gaze.

I lay down on the couch, since I was still tired and casually told him; "Well, she mysteriously came back to life"

He then placed the papers he was reading back on the table, fetching another batch of surprisingly thick compiled papers."I see, carry on." He said.

'I think that's even a little too much paper work for a military Leader, who majors on fighting titans and protecting humanity' I thought, looking at the busy man right in front of me.

"...Armin called me to check on their dead comrade who was suddenly breathing. After examining her, I came here." I stated, adjusting my glasses. "It seems that after approximately 16 hours of her death, she mysteriously came back to life."

"...Did you ask her any questions?" Erwin asked, glancing at me, then back to the papers.

"I would love to do that, but sadly, the girl was still unconscious, so all we have to do is to wait." I replied.

"But do you know what made her come back to life?" The bushy-browed man asked, as he sets aside the papers on his table, while getting another batch of the never ending paper work.

"Sad to say that, this was my first time to experience something like this." I stated, getting my research notebook. "Luckily by examining her, I came up with two possible theories."

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