"Fine. Bring gummy bears and we'll call it even."
"Thank you so much, Logan." said Patton in a quietly genuine way that made Virgil's heart squeeze. Even Logan smiled.
"Any time, Patton."

The call disconnected and he turned back to look at Virgil.

"Is he okay?"
"Nah, but he's dealing with it." Virgil replied, not looking up from his homework.
"Should I get some chocolate just in case?"
"Probably a good idea. Get me some sour patch kids too?"
"Of course."
"Thanks, Logan, love ya."
"Love you too."

The door swung closed, and Virgil's pencil halted.

Holy fuck what was that.


So maybe Logan was freaking out a little bit right now, but that was to be expected.

In all honesty, he hadn't exactly been exposed to this kind of thing before, with him being the oldest, asexual and having parents who said he couldn't date.

He did know he loved Virgil. How he loved Virgil was a tad more confusing.

Virgil was cute. He had a rough aesthetic, but his fluffy hair and chub made it a bit harder for him to come across as intimidating in Logan's eyes. That combined with the near-constant mumbling made him come off more adorable than edgy, and how hard he tried just made him cuter.

But Logan was ace, and as far as he was aware, he hadn't experienced romantic feelings before.

So he wasn't lying when he said loved Virgil, but part of him didn't want to actually say it.

Because while he was almost 60 percent sure that he was romantically interested in Virgil, what if he wasn't? What if he had just managed to trick himself into thinking that, and they started a relationship in which he was actually leading Virgil on? That wouldn't be fair on him.

And also, Virgil was not ace. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but Logan was aware that sexual attraction was kind of a big thing for allo people. He didn't get it, he understood its purpose, but he also understood that it'd been the cause of a lot of problems. What if those problems came up? Not to mention that he wasn't sure whether he was sex repulsed or not, and that was kind of important when entering a relationship with an allo person.

Besides, he didn't even know what having a crush felt like. So how would he know now?

He sighed again, slipping a few coins into the lobby's vending machine. Things would be so much easier if he was allo.

He reached down and pulled out the snack bags before tucking them into his pockets and walking back up.

Logan also knew that he got attached to people very easily. He wasn't used to affection, rejecting his parent's out of embarrassment as a child and keeping the habit up for some unknown reason. He was also not very well versed in physical touch, often finding it upsetting. with Virgil however, those rules didn't seem to apply.

He never minded when the other boy would shuffle closer to him when they were watching a movie or studying, in fact he found himself picking up the behavior over time. And he felt that he would rather not colour-code his books than reject Virgil's affection, especially since he knew how much the other boy needed it as well.

Logan stood at the brink between the elevator and that stairs, and decided on the stairs. Virgil was probably still embarrassed about what Logan had said earlier.

Logan didn't think he was embarrassed.

That was another thing, how flustered Virgil tended to be around him. That was generally a physical attraction thing, Logan had observed. He never had the mind to remind Virgil of his non-physicalness, in fact a part of him craved the admiration in the other boy's gaze. But he probably should, just in case. Would Virgil be offended if he did?

A slow burn built up in his thighs, and Logan was hit with the realisation that exercising would probably benefit him. He may want to pick up the habit.

Logan liked Virgil. That was obvious. He felt comfortable in his presence, and he certainly wouldn't mind being in it more. Logan had shared a room with his brother when he was younger and had not enjoyed it. What was viewed as his space was invaded by an untidy slobbering younger brother, and despite how much Logan loved him, it was annoying to the point of inconvenience. He would often lash out at him as a result, and then feel guilty at the kicked expression he'd get in return.

He'd never really been able to fix his relationship with his brother.

Logan glanced at the floor number on the wall; three. One more to go.

As Logan stepped into the carpeted hallway a small ding! rang out beside him, and he turned to see Patton and Roman step out of the elevator. The two of them were holding hands, and despite the cold weather they weren't wearing that many layers.

Patton's face brightened up when he saw Logan, and he waved to him despite them being next to each other.

"Hello, Patton."

"Geez, do you really always talk like you have a stick up your ass?" said Roman, only half kidding. Logan blinked.
"...I talk like this normally?"
"Yes, but I assumed you would've let loose with Virgil, and the least."

"I'm talking to you right now, so that's irrelevant. And what has Virgil got to do with this anyway?"

Roman shot him a look that made him feel like a child being scolded.

"Oh you know exactly what I'm talking about."


"I'm sure that I don't." said Logan, a slightly unsettled feeling appearing in his chest in lieu of the usual blush. Roman must've noticed his expression, because he sighed and shook his head, but let the topic drop.

"Thanks for helping us, Logan," Patton said, swinging arms with Roman as he walked. "I really don't get anything that they're teaching us."

"I'm pleased to be of service, but how come you didn't just ask the teacher for help in class?" He held the door open for the two.
"I understand it when they're going through it, but when I try to do examples by myself it just," he waved his arms around his head. "Disappears."

Virgil snorted from his desk, but didn't look up from his work. "Not if you're Logan, apparently." Logan felt the tightness in his chest dissipate slightly.

"Hello to you too, Virgil." He chucked the packet of sour patch kids at him, Virgil caught them with ease. The familiarity of the whole situation managed to calm him a little. Maybe saying 'I love you' wasn't going to change much after all.

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