Chapter 23

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Stan, Ford and I woke up this morning, my right leg is feeling better but that's depends on Ford. Ford had check my right leg and said to me "It looks like it heals very well, which you can get up and walking around---" Stan cut off Ford and asked him "What if Lynn is still weak in her right leg?" "Stan has a point Ford" I replied to Ford, Ford gave me a smile said to Stan and I "I got something for you, Lynn". He came back with a cane and handed it to me, I said to him "Thank you for the cane Ford". "It's not just regular cane, Lynn. Try pulling the top of the golden six fingers top of the cane" said Ford, Stan and I looked at each other so I did what he told me to do. 

I pull it out and it looks like a sword, I looked at Ford said "Wow. You made this for me". Stan was impress by Ford for making an amazing with the cane for Lynn and he said to Ford "You turned the inside of the cane into a sword, Poindexter". "Thanks Stan, it'll going to helping her to walk and fighting with the multi-tiger, Mr. Northwest AND Gideon. If we are ever going to seeing them again." said Ford while Lynn giving Ford a kiss on the lips. "Ford. You are the best boyfriend that I ever had" I replied to Ford. So I got up started walking with the cane and Ford, Stan and I went downstairs and seeing Dipper, Wendy, Soos and Mabel in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. "I thought that I was going to making Stancakes today" said Stan and Wendy said to Stan "Sorry dude, Mabel and Dipper wanted to making breakfast for you guys, that's why Soos and I were here to keeping our eyes on them using the stove" said Wendy. I look at Stan and smiling at him "They got you there, Stan", Ford whispered to my ear "At least it's not Stancakes" we smile at each other.

After breakfast Dipper, Soos, Wendy and Mabel are outside playing games together, while I was heading towards the old couch on the patio and sitting watching the kids playing games. Ford and Stan sitting down next to me on the couch, while Ford handed me a cup of coffee, Stan is the first one going to break the ice and asking us "What's the plan on getting rid of the multi-tiger, Mr. Northwest and Gideon?" I sighed and Ford replied "I don't know, Stan", "It looks like all of us lot of training to do" I added. "You mean that you wanted Dipper, Mabel, Wendy and Soos to be a part of this mission?" Stan asked me and I nodded, Ford also added "They needed to be prepared just in case they have to fight with Gideon, while we're fighting against Mr. Northwest and multi-tiger, Stan". I sighed again 'I don't that it's going to work, Ford' I said to myself.

Stan call the kids to come back so Ford and I tell them what we're going to do, I looked at Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy. I said to them "Okay everyone we're going to train ourselves to be ready to defeating the multi-tiger, Mr. Northwest and Gideon for once and for all", Stan said to Dipper and Mabel "You two are going to facing with Gideon because I know that you two can kick his ass, so you two don't needed to be training but you guys will helping us to be prepared." Dipper and Mabel said to their grunkle Stan "Yes, Sir!" Ford looked at Wendy and Soos said to them "Wendy and Soos. You two are going to facing with Mr. Northwest, but for your training you guys are going to learning to fight and that where Stan are going to teaching you guys, if Dipper and Mabel wanted to learn how to fighting along with Stan to be prepare they are welcome to join in." Stan looked at Ford "I agree with you, Poindexter" Stan and Ford gave each other a high six.

I just saw the Phoenix and I getting up to walking towards her, while Ford and Stan are already teaching the kids how to fight it's going to take awhile for them to noticed that I wasn't there. I walking into the woods with my cane because it helps me to walk after I got shot at by Mr. Northwest and Ford did the surgery for getting that bullet out of my right leg. I went up to the Phoenix and said "Hello Phoenix" and Phoenix said back at me "Hello Lynn. You doing well". "What can I do for you, Phoenix?" I asked Phoenix, but Phoenix looked sad at me and replied "Lynn. I needed to know, if it true on what you were planning on", I sigh "Ford and Stan doesn't needed to know on I'm been planning, but I'm thinking of talking to Stan alone." Phoenix looked at me and said "Stan is willing to understand, it's Ford that you have to worry about", "I agree with you, Phoenix" I said to Phoenix.

"LYNN!" Ford yelled. "LYNN, WHERE ARE YOU?" Stan was yelling as well, "I gotta go, Phoenix" I said to her and she replied "Be careful". I walked back to Ford and Stan, they saw me and they ran up to me. "Thanked goodness that you are okay" said Ford while he's hugging me, "Come on, it's dinner time and Wendy already ordering pizza" said Stan with a smile. I send a text to Stan's phone that says: Stan, you and me needed to talk without Ford, he can't know about this. and Stan texted me back that says: Okay, Lynn. Ford looked at Stan and asked him "Who are you texting to?" Stan replied to Ford "Texting Wendy to telling her what kind of toppings on our pizza that's all, Poindexter" and we finally went in the house.

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