Chapter 12

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We went inside of the Mystery Shack, Ford asked me to sit down on the couch while he's getting the first aid kit and he said to me "I'm glad that you're going to be okay, Lynn" while he putting the bandages on my left arm. "It hurts so much, Ford" I replied and Ford looked at me said "It's a good thing that it's only first degree burn", Ford gave my injure a kiss and also giving me a kiss on my forehead.

"I guess that you are right, Ford" I replied to Ford, Stan came in the living room and just notice Lynn's left arm and looked at Ford asked "What happened to Lynn's left arm?" Ford got up and putting the first aid kit away and said to Stan "Lynn got a first degree burn from the Phoenix tonight". Stan looked at me asked "Are you okay?" and I nodded my head at Stan "Yeah. I'm okay, Stan" I answered to Stan. 

"Well, I'm glad that you and Ford are okay. Just get some sleep it's getting late" said Stan "You can share my bedroom with me, if you wanted to" said Ford while holding my hand and I said "I don't mind sharing a room with you, Ford". So Ford, Stan and I said "Good night" to each other and we all went to bed. "I love you, Ford" I said to Ford and Ford said to me "I love you too, Lynn".

Monster Hunting and Protecting the Magical Creatures w/ Lynn WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now