Chapter 15

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I woke up this morning heading downstairs to making everyone breakfast, 'I guess that I'll make pancakes with eggs and bacon' I said to myself. After I made the breakfast I yelled "GUYS, BREAKFAST!" and Dipper, Mabel, Stan and Ford came downstairs, Stan asked "What's for breakfast?" I handed a cup of coffee to Ford because it looks like he needing it and I replied to Stan "I made pancakes with eggs and bacon". "Thank you Lynn" said Dipper while Mabel walked up to me and giving me a hug.

After breakfast Dipper, Stan and Mabel went to Mystery Shack to working with Soos and Wendy. I went outside with my cup of coffee and sitting down on the couch on the patio, 'This is nice day' I said to myself. I'm worried about the monsters and the other magical creatures in the woods, Ford came outside for a fresh air and he noticed that I was sitting on the couch, he walked up to me asked "What's wrong Lynn?" I looked at him and said to him "I'm worried about the monsters and the magical creatures, Ford".

"I'm sure that we'll protecting them no matter what and we'll find out who's keep on shooting at them" said Ford with a smile and gave me a kiss on cheeck, I said to him "I guess that you're right, Ford". 

Ford and I gave each other a hug, Stan with the kids and said to us "I'm taking the kids out for ice cream, you guys are welcome to enjoin us". "No thanks, Stan" I replied and Ford got up walked over to Stan said to him "Hey Stan. I think that Lynn is worried about this mystery hunter keeps on shooting the monsters and the magical creatures just for fun, if you won't mind that I stay here and calm Lynn down about this situation". "No problem, Poindexter" said Stan because he's also worry about Lynn as well, so Stan and the kids heading towards the ice cream stand without us.

I got up and turn around heading inside the house, Ford did the same asked me "What are you doing?". "You and me are doing some training to be prepared to fight this mystery hunter" I answered Ford and Ford is heading to his room "Let me change my clothes and you do the same, Lynn". I nodded and we both are heading to our rooms to putting on our training clothes, 'I'm coming for you mystery hunter' I said to myself.

Monster Hunting and Protecting the Magical Creatures w/ Lynn WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now