Chapter 2

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At the Mystery Shack, Wendy is working along with Mabel and Soos at the gift shop while waiting for Dipper. Wendy, Soos and Mabel are starting to dance along with the music until Dipper finally came downstairs from their room. "Finally. What took you so long?" Mabel asked Dipper "I was just finishing up reading a book and last the time, sorry" Dipper replied. 

Soos started to cleaning the Mystery Shack gift shop and Wendy looked at her phone and said "Guys I got a text from Lynn, she's heading her way to see us". "That's great Wendy" said Mabel, Stan came into the Mystery Shack and looked around asked "Where's Poindexter?" "Oh. Grunkle Ford is sleeping in" said Dipper "Why grunkle Stan?" Mabel asked "I just wanted to know" said Stan.

Finally they heard a motorcycle outside and saw Lynn wearing red t-shirt, black shorts, black leather jacket and black hiking boots gotten off the motorcycle while taking off her helmet. Stan, Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Wendy heading outside to giving Lynn a hug or a high five. "Hey there guys" I replied with a smile "How are you doing kiddo?" Stan asked while he gave Lynn a hug. "I'm doing good, Stan" I said to Stan, "I turn around and looking at the gang asked them "Are you ready for an adventure?" "YEAH!" said Dipper and Mabel "You know it" said Wendy "Ready dude" Soos replied.

Stan walked up to Lynn and said to her "Keep your eyes on my nephew and niece, Lynn" I looked at him and answered "Don't worry Stan, I'll protecting them" while showing him my bag. 'I rather getting injuries than Dipper and Mabel getting hurt' I said to myself. "Okay. Have fun kids and please be careful" said Stan after he gave Dipper and Mabel a hug, Dipper and Mabel nodded at him. They headed off into the woods.

Monster Hunting and Protecting the Magical Creatures w/ Lynn WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now