I look at the phone for some seconds. My thumb hovers over the call button. With a sigh, switch off the phone and slide it into my pocket.

"Trouble in paradise?"

My heartbeat grows faster as Savanna takes a seat beside me. She adjusts herself in the seat, and her elbows brush mine. I feel something strange under my sternum.

"I don't think that's any of your business."

She raises her hands and smiles. "Just a little concerned. You looked like you were gonna cry."

I don't say anything. I try to breathe properly instead.

"About yesterday..."

And there goes my trial of breathing properly.

"Oh, you remember?" I scoff. I don't look at her, do no eye contact. If I do, I might go all Jurassic Park on her.

"I never forgot," she replies. "I can't forget even if I tried to, okay?"

"How about we don't talk about it?" I suggest, clawing at the fabric on my thighs. I dug my nails into the skin to calm my nerves. It doesn't work.

"Why? Are you with Grace–"

"I'm not."

"Then what's the problem? I like you, Kaylee. And I'm sorry for being such a dick."

I look at Savanna. I look at her hair and eyes and lips. I look into her eyes.

What's the problem? No problem, right?

If Gray doesn't want me, what's the point of keeping myself hanged like this? It's not like I'm cheating, even though I feel feel like I am. If not her, then someone else.

"You're sitting here?"

Savanna nods at Macy and tells her to sit near Trish. After being a little hesitant, Macy goes to Trish.

"So," Sav starts again. "What do you say? We will make it as slow as you want." She smiles, and it looks so genuine.

"What about Trish?" I ask. "She's already so protective of you. Aren't you somehow a thing?"

"Not really," Sav says exactly what Aman said. "She's just a casual fling. Sometimes we make out. And that's it."

For some reason, I feel really mad. "A casual fling?" I repeat. "That's how you treat girls? Use and throw?"

"That's how we've always been," Sav defends herself. "I don't treat all girls like that. I told you I like you."

"But Trish–"

"Look," she faces me. "Trish doesn't wanna do...stuff. And I don't like her that way. You're different, Kay–"

"Get off."


"Get off," I repeat through gritted teeth. "Go seat somewhere else. No place hear for disgusting fuckers."

She opens her mouth to day something but I threaten her that I'll scream. She walks back to her seat and Macy comes to me.

"You okay?"

"Wake me up when we reach there." I plug the ear buds and close my eyes.

How long will I be just an option?


Macy wakes me up after an hour. We pick up our stuff and get out of the bus. I see Savanna looking at me but I ignore her.

"The other school kids are here, people!" Trish cheers enthusiastically. "Student council heads will be meeting each other first so y'all gotta wait a little maybe."

When I reach for my phone, it's not there. "I think I left my phone in the bus," I tell Macy. "Gonna get it. Wait for me."

I climb into the bus, pick my phone and see a message from Brooke tellimg me to call her. I text her that I'm busy.

Getting out of the bus, I jog near Macy. I open my mouth to tell her I gkindy phone but she cuts me off.

"There's the other school's head girl. Hey!"

I turn back and my heart drops.

Brooke smiles at Macy and then looks at me. "Busy, huh?"

Too much for thinking it can't get any worse.



So sorryyyy for the late update :(

Which country are y'all from btw? I'm from India :)

Stay safe xx

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