Just when he saw that they both were busy, he with shaky hands caught the phone and wondered if the phone had any password but as usual, elderly people don't have a password for their phones. Lucky for Taehyung.

He immediately opened Google Maps and searched for the club, Singularity.

He understood the direction wasn't too foreign to him so he left the phone and even uttered a small 'thank you' and walked towards his destination.

It took him half an hour to reach the place and he immediately scrunched his nose. Club and Taehyung are really not compatible.

He still had to walk into the place because apparently his Ggukie was inside on a date and Taehyung was here to make sure that he doesn't spoil it.

His nostrils immediately hate the place because alcohol disgusts the silver-head and he can't even stand the taste. It took him years to even get used to red wine.

He threw a nasty look towards the dance floor watching people throwing themselves on others for of course the spice he had mentioned before.

He checked his wrist and saw it's 9:20pm. He inhaled a sharp breath and walked a bit ahead, his eyes scanning through the crowd to look for a certain raven-haired male who wore a mustard coloured shirt with faded blue jeans.

He wondered if this place would ever appeal to his own taste for a date. He shook his head knowing that wouldn't ever happen. He hates clubs and all the nasty people in it.

His eyes roamed around the place, the blue and pink lights of the club weren't helping to look for his muscled rabbit at all.

But suddenly his eyes found the one it was looking for. There sat Jeongguk with his date---Minho. They were laughing and chuckling. The date looked like it was going on the right track.

Taehyung was surprised because he didn't know the younger one actually does drink something other than beer. The glass of whiskey in his hand seemed so foreign to Taehyung. He felt as if this Jeongguk is so different from the one he knows. This is Jeon Jeongguk, this is not his Ggukie.

Whatever it is, Taehyung smiled looking at them. He did feel a bit weird and strange in his stomach and chest but that didn't stop him from smiling because for once it felt like Jeongguk was enjoying his date.

Maybe after this date he wouldn't say that it didn't work out. It has to work out if he looks this happy, right?

Taehyung giggled at the sight of two full grown men almost losing their shit because they were drunk out of their mind but it doesn't seem like they realize it.

Taehyung was enjoying watching this though there was suddenly a lump forming in his throat and his stomach was churning.

"What is wrong with me? Am I falling sick?"  Taehyung mumbled to himself as he rubbed his palm on his stomach.

"Never mind, I must watch Ggukie now." Taehyung talked to himself again.

The next thing he saw was how Minho tried to stand up but failed and fell right back at the couch. He couldn't help but laugh out loud at this. Minho seemed like a real idiot this time.

But suddenly his laugh died down and he gulped. He looked and watched keenly as he saw the close proximity between Minho and his Ggukie.

He saw how Minho and Jeongguk whined because of Minho's wrist. He saw how Jeongguk wasn't giving up and holding his wrist tightly.

"What the fuck? Just leave him if he doesn't want you to see it, he is not a baby." Taehyung said with frustration laced into his voice.

And in the next moment happened in a blink. Taehyung stood a few metres away from the duo who were apparently on a date. It looked like Jeongguk said something to Minho and the latter replied giggling. Then Jeongguk asked Minho something and the latter just nodded his head and that's when Taehyung went pale.

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