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Denali walked slowly, enjoying the heat, enjoying the spongy feel of her new shoes, enjoying the familiar sights along the route. Filled with excitement, anticipation and curiosity.

Nervous, too. This was, after all, her first day of senior year.

At the bottom of the hill, exactly a mile from her house, she turned the corner and saw the school in front of her.

It wasn't really a very nice building. Single story, squat, yellowish stone. Nothing stood out except the tall flagpole that would ring like a clock chime when the rope slapped it on windy days. That day, in the still air, the pole was silent.

When she finally got inside, a bunch of girls ran over her to give her the biggest hug. Well, actually they were only three girls, but they meant the world for Denali. She didn't need more, she never did.

"I missed you so much!" A girl screamed next to Denali's ear in a french accent, making the other girls giggle.

"But we were shopping yesterday, Nicky."

"Don't be a meanie," the blonde girl pouted, "let me miss you in peace."

Denali giggled at her friend's reaction and approached to her other friends. "Hey Jan, Hey Jackie. I missed you both a lot."

"See? Why did you miss them and not me?" Nicky protested again, earning a laugh from the others.

"Maybe because she didn't see us for the whole summer, Nicolette". Jackie, a gorgeous persian girl pointed.

"Fair enough." Nicky whined in defeat, as they began to walk to the lockers.

"So, Miss Denali," Jan spoke, "have you met someone on the summer? Anything interesting to tell?"

"No, not really." Denali sighed. "But I have another news". They all looked at her intrigued.

"If I guess what it is you owe me five bucks." Nicky said opening the locker.

"Bitch, I told you yesterday."

"Salopé." Nicky whispered to herself earning a slap in the arm from Denali. "Auch! I told you not to be a meanie."

"Well, are you gonna tell us or what?" Jan was getting anxious.

"Did you guys remember the man my mom was dating?" Denali began.

"The one she only saw twice?" Jackie wondered, closing the locker and putting the books she held in alphabetic order.

"Yeah, that one. Well, long story short, he lost her house and he's gonna stay on mine since today after school." Denali exhaled on frustation.

The girls just looked at her with wide eyes until Jan spoke. "Does he have any children?"

"Mom said he has a child, but she wasn't especific about it."

"If she wasn't especific about it must be a horrible obnoxious kid." Nicky pointed as they walked through the corridor.

"Nicky, you finally said something that actually makes sense." Jan said happily.

"Fuck you, Jan".

"That's Jackie's work." Denali added.

"I wish." Jackie whispered to herself but everyone heard it.

"Excuse me?" Jan looked at the girl with a smirk.

"Just fuck already!" Nicky screamed and turned to laugh with Denali, but the girl was frozen looking at the other side of the corridor. "Earth to Denali." The french girl waved a hand in front of the girl's face.

Nothing but Sisters - RosénaliWhere stories live. Discover now