the surgery

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Over the next week, the girls have taught jack everything about being a girl.
He now knows how to walk, talk and act like one. And has to do that at all times.
Luckily for him he hasn't had any punishments since the last one, but that still isn't great as he is stuck as a girl.
But his worries would be shifted to the surgery. He had no idea how it had come about that he had a tumour but wanted it gone immediately.

He arrived at the hospital that morning and was sent to the office to get changed into surgical gowns.
Then in an office waiting to be brought into the theater.
When he did he was scared, but stayed calm,and then it all went dark.

He woke up feeling fine, his headache was gone and there was a doctor by him.
"Hello miss, your operation was a success, now you wont be able to take the bandages off just yet but we have a few pictures of your results if you want" he explained
Jack was confused, he had a whole in the bandages round his face to see in but why would he need pictures, he would look the same right.
As he looked it all settled in on why, his face changed.
Earlier, it was a bit more sharp, masculine, but now it was soft and round, like a woman's, his nose was also smaller, this wasn't just a brain operation, this was a whole facial reconstruction.
He was mortified, how could she, now it was all over for him, his face was now a woman's, even without the makeup.
He told the doctor that it was ok and within an hour the girls were getting ready to take him back.

He never spoke, he couldn't, absolutely speechless, and angry at them.
No one would recognise him, and if he said what he thought it was rape.
He stayed in his room all night. Not even wanting to speak to them.

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