The end of a long day

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Lunch had ended and it was time for everyone to go to their respective classrooms.

Nami left for math, Usopp left for mechanics, Zoro left for geography, Sanji left for Cooking, and Vivi went to home economics. That would leave just Luffy and chopper together.

Chopper had to go to biology and so did Luffy, so she joined chopper to go the classroom together.

All the guys didn't feel comfortable leaving Luffy alone since it was her first day, but they figured since she's with chopper nothing could go wrong.

"Oh, you'll join me? Great! I like being with you Luffy you're funny!" Chopper said happily as they started walking down to the biology classroom.

"In biology we're learning about the human body and it's healing properties! I can't wait to become a doctor!" Chopper looked like he could go on for hours about medical treatment and the human body.

"A doctor? I think you'll be a great doctor! You're already really smart!" Luffy said complementing Chopper.

Chopper was dancing while blushing he really enjoyed compliments. "A great doctor! Heheh that's not true dumbass hehehe!"  Chopper definitely couldn't hide his feelings for the compliment he received.

"It's true! Shishishi!" Luffy said heartily.

"Oh! I can't wait for you to meet my friend there! He's a great student and he's an aspiring surgeon who knows even more than me! His name is Trafalgar law!"

Luffy was listening to the boy rambling about medical science and doctors. She just smiled and listened until they got to the biology classroom.

"Ah here we are Luffy!" Chopper was excited.

Together they walked in the room and sat next to each other upon waiting for the teacher's arrival.

"So which one is the guy you were talking about?" Luffy asked.

Chopper looked around the room "it seems like he's not here yet."

Just then a teacher walked in.

"That's dr. Kureha! She taught me everything I know about medical science!" Chopper whispered joyfully.

"Alright students I'll be taking attendance for the class today!"

Dr. Kureha then took attendance for all the students except one.

"Trafalgar Law?"

"Is Trafalgar Law here?"

The whole class looked around, he wasn't there. "He's not here!" One student said.

"Hmph most likely skipping class again. What a shame he's one of our best students." Dr. Kureha then finished attendance and started teaching.

During class Luffy had fallen asleep again. While she was asleep the student finally walked in.

Luffy didn't care enough to wake up, even though she heard from the noise that the student had walked in, she stayed asleep.

Afterwards class had been over and chopper woke Luffy up.

"Hm is class over already?"

"Geez Luffy you already slept through the whole class! Everyone already left! Even my friend Law!" Chopper was a bit angry at Luffy he wanted her to meet Law but she slept through everything.

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