Chapter 10

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"Mal, you ready? If you don't want to you don't have to. Please consider it first" said Evie And the other Vk's agreed.

"So selfish mal is. Everybody else showed their past she should show hers it's only fair" Queen Leah told them. "Also I am sure she's just dramatic. It couldn't be that bad could it. I mean she's still here".

"You all have showed them your pasts and it is only fair for me to show mine" replied Mal.

"You heated that you pink ass-" Uma was cut of by Harry who placed his hand over her. mouth. "Let's get you quiet. It's kids present" Harry reminded his captain who huffed.

"So who will cast the spell" asked uma "Me only" said mal Mal casted the spell on her and sat down next to her father and Ben.
Mal's memories: A one year old mal is shown being beatened by Maleficent.

Bens eyes widened and he quickly hugged mal and pressed a kiss to her head. "I'm so sorry...." Ben mumbled into her neck as he cuddled her. "You have nothing to be sorry for babe" Mal told him.

"Oh my.." aurora and belle started saying and all the others became wide eyed.

"It seems like it's reactions in this chapter" Belle mumbled as she looked at her daughter in law with tears in her eyes as she noticed that hades hair caught fire.

A 2 year old Mal is shown being scratched by her mother in her face and mal is crying out loud but her mother took no concern on her and continued scratching her arms and legs as a mean to teach her a lesson.

Bens hands around her tightened and he caressed her cheeks before pressing a kiss to her lips. Ben was soon forced to let mal go as hadie wanted to cuddle his sister too.

Ben wrapped his arms around his fiance tightly and hades's hair turned red in anger. And Persephone was controlling herself to not to turn Maleficent into a mint plant.

Let just say that it was similar situations in the room with everybody.

A 3 year old Mal is shown searching for food alone for her mother and her pet bird who is more dear to her than her own blood, her own daughter.

"That bird! I swear I'll-" Phillip started but was cut off by the sob that came from his wife. He sighed and hugged her trying to console her and himself.

All women population started getting teary eyed even the Vk's didn't knew about it. A 4 year mal is shown that she found out that her father is hades and is shown that she is spending a quality of good time with her father and step mom.

"At least she has a loving father. And step mother for that matter" Ben thought as he looked at mal and smiled sadly.

Hades smiled at the memory and kissed Mal's head.and Persephone wrapped an arm around hades at the beautiful memory.ben smiled softly seeing that hades and Persephone deeply cared about mal.

A 5 year old mal is shown in an bazaar with her mother. It is shown that she helped a goblin to collect his fallen rotten apples.

"It always was good in you. Whatever you believe" Ben whispered in her ears as he kissed her cheek. "Love you Darling" Ben told her and mal smiled before kissing him and saying "love you too beastie".

After helping her she saw that the whole marked at grown quiet. When she looked at her mother she could easily see that smoke was literally coming out from maleficent's ears showing that she was really angry. After that she is shown to be being dragged by her mother to bergain castle where she kicked Mal's face and scratched both her face and hands. 50% of her whole face was covered in blood which she later couldn't washed it away so she stayed at her home.

Reacting to: VK's past Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt