Chapter 4

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"Drizzy, you ready?"Evie asked

Dizzy smiled at Evie as the bluenett squeezed her hand. "Evie will always be by my side" She though.

"Yup" she replied. After her confirmation, mal casted the spell to show her memories. Dizzy's memories:

Many sighed... how bad would this be if Gil's where the easiest.

A four year old dizzy is shown doing household chores for her mother.

"YOU WORKED AT AGE FOUR" Many people shouted. The oldest coming from Snow White and Cinderella as they knew how hard the work could be.

The memory changes to Lady Tremaine shouting at a five year old dizzy.

Cinderella and her family hugged dizzy while she was soaking up all the comfort she could get. Because in her mind this wouldn't happen again.

A seven year old Dizzy is shown being beaten by her mother drizzela, because she had an ink spot on her dress, drizzela wanted her daughter to be an perfect lady.

Cinderella now had tears in her eyes over what her stepsister did to dizzy.

A nine year old dizzy is shown helping Evie with her designs and laughing with her.

Many smiled softly at this.

The memory changed to an eleven year old dizzy being chased by Claude frollo's son Freddie and mal and Jay saving her from him.

Again many smiled but this time out of relief.

A twelve year old drizzy being beatened badly by her mother and grandmother and her aunt Anastasia is shown patching her wounds and helping her.

"Oh Anastasia" Cinderella thought. "You really aren't evil you shouldn't have been on the isle in the first place but... if you weren't there who was going to help Dizzy?" She continued to think.

A thirteen year old drizzy is shown in a almirah without food and was saved by her aunt who found her.

Now the whole Cinderella family where smiling.

The memory faded and after a moment she was hugged by Cinderella, kitty and Lucy charming along with chad.

"Well isn't that funny" Chad said with a shake of his head.

"I would like to talk with my step mom about this" Cinderella said through gritted teeth where as the other Charmings nodded, furious or better to say livid. "So next is Harry" said jay

"Evie you read" Carlos said. "Okay" the other's looked at her. "It's not nice to reject" she told them while they just laughed it of. "But I didn't get to use my glare" Mal muttered as she pouted.

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