Everyone murmured uneasily to each other.

"What do we do?" Jay asked.

Garmadon shrugged. "Just relax when you're with him," he replied. "Although Lloyd's physically weak, it doesn't mean he's stupid."

Everyone nodded their agreement.

"Then it's settled," Wu spoke up. "There's no reason to be wary around Lloyd anymore, and to protect him we have to show that we trust him. Now let's continue our meal."

* * *

Kai took a deep breath. He hadn't visited Lloyd since he woke up, and he was forcing himself to. Sensei said that he has to know that we trust him, he told himself as he walked down the hall. But do I trust him?

It had been five days since the green ninja was conscious. He would be wondering where Kai was if he hadn't seen him for any longer than he already hadn't.

Kai halted when he reached the hospital room. He felt like he would explode with anxiety. He knew how much power Lloyd held in his veins. He was the green ninja!

Taking a few deep breaths to calm his nerves, Kai pushed open the door and entered the room.

Lloyd was across the room and he turned as the door creaked open. His eyes lit up when he spotted Kai and he raced across the floor.

Kai tried to let out a happy laugh, but it came out more like a nervous chuckle. "You... you..." It took a huge effort to talk somewhat calmly. "You s-seem strong on your feet."

"I haven't felt this good in days!" Lloyd exclaimed. "Pixal says I can move out of the hospital room tomorrow!"

"Already?" Kai blurted out before he could stop himself. "I-I mean—that's great!" he added hastily.

Confusion glittered in Lloyd's eyes. "You don't sound too excited," he murmured. "Aren't you glad I'm recovering?"

Panic welled up inside Kai. I'm supposed to be here to let him know I trust him, not the other way around! "Of course I am!" he gasped, hoping Lloyd couldn't hear his heart pounding in his chest. "I just don't want you to move too fast," he added. "Your strength only lasts for so long."

Lloyd tensed and looked at his feet. "Believe me, I know," he sniffed, trembling a bit.

Kai gritted his teeth. You said the wrong thing again, Kai! he scolded himself. Talking about Lloyd's strength must've brought back dark memories. "Wait... I-I didn't..." Kai struggled for words. "I mean... I... I-I can't think of anything golden to say..."

Lloyd looked up again, horror plastered on his face.

Kai resisted a facepalm. Why do I have to mess everything up? "Uh..." he stammered. "Lloyd, I... I..."

"Maybe you should just go," Lloyd murmured sadly.

"Yeah," Kai chuckled nervously. "I am getting cold feet." He slapped his hand over his mouth. "I mean—I-I... I uh... I'm not really on fire right now—wait!" Kai stumbled backward. "Uh... uh..." Before he could mess anything else up, he turned and fled out the door. So much for that!

He nearly rammed into Nya in the hallway.

"Whoa!" Nya exclaimed. "What's the hurry?"

Kai pointed to the hospital room. "Do something!" he gasped desperately before racing past her.

Frowning, Nya shook her head and entered the hospital room. Lloyd was sitting at the edge of his bed, looking at his feet. She sat beside him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Lloyd murmured. "I just... There's a lot on my mind... Dark memories. I've been through a lot, you know?"

Nya smiled sympathetically. "Don't worry, Lloyd," she comforted, laying her hand on his shoulder. "Everything will get better, you'll see."

He only shrugged.

Nya went on. "A lot of things happened while you were asleep," she said. "Let me catch you up on everything."

Lloyd looked up at her. "I'd like that," he affirmed. "Then I'll make some new memories."

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Darkness from Within #2: Tension Rising (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now