Chapter 5

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After sorting out few things and assuring that everyone in the middle school of our pack is settled me along with Caly and Keith made our way towards our high school, entire way Caly and Keith argued about Keith not letting Caly drive, I zoned out their arguments and scanned the Royal pack, it was beautiful. I inhaled the fresh air, which had a smell of pine and soil which calmed me down, the quiet road, the sun shining through the forest and the sound of birds bought me peace, I closed my eyes as the air hit my face erasing the creases on my forehead and anxiousness replacing it with a smile. The school came in view as we drove deeper into the road, the school was situated near to the forest, it was big and beautiful, the veins and branches of the trees behind the forest covered the wall of the school leaving the windows making it look eccentric. The large forest behind made it easy for us werewolves, vampires and witches to shift, fed and try magic. Keith parked our car in the parking lot. I turned to look at them who were already staring at me.

" What, " I asked a little bit self-conscious staring at both of them.

" Nothing, it's just that you were smiling the whole ride that got us a little worried," Amy said mumbling the last part, I glared at her playfully pouting slightly.

" I'm I not allowed to smile? You would too smile if you would have concentrated on your surroundings rather than your arguments " I told childishly.

" Of course you can smile Lili, and why would I concentrate on her, I was concentrating on driving we don't want to crash our car into a tree or something," he told grinning at Amy who rolled her eyes in response before she could have her come back, a knock was heard on my window of the passenger seat. I turned to see the administrator of the school standing waiting for us. I got out of the car followed by my friends.

" Welcome to the School of Royal Moon Pack, Alpha Celimine and her Beta and Gamma" He smiled warmly but I dint miss his judgmental eyes. I nodded at him and motioned him to lead the way following behind him. As I stepped into the hallway my heart skipped a beat, I halted in my track to check my surroundings making sure everything was ok, once satisfied I followed him.

" What's the wrong Lili? "Amy asked concerned seeing my odd behaviour.

" Nothing, I was just checking around, I'm fine " I assured her she dint look convinced but dint pushes it further. She is damn protective of me more than Keith, even though I'm capable of protecting myself, she sometimes acts like my mother.

The administrator gave a little tour of the school and took us to the best part of the school according to him.
" I swear if he doesn't shut his mouth now I'll tie his tongue to a tree" Keith grumbled in the mindlink glaring at the administrator who was blabbering about the history of the school.

" Aww, is baby Keithy irritated?" Amy asked in a sickly sweet voice

" I swear if you weren't the beta of our pack, I would do the same for you " He growled at her as she Snickers

" I'd like to see you try little boy " She cooed.

" Guys " I warned causing them to quiet down.

" This is the school's Park and behind you is the student's lounge," the administrator said moving aside but instead of looking behind me I look ahead the park covered with lawn grass and tress away from each other and few swings here and there behind them stood the forest as light shined through the trees, it was a mesmerising sight.

" Lili " Amy called in my mind to get my attention, I turned towards the administrator to find him making his way inside the lounge, feeling slightly embarrassed for my actions I followed him, Caty and Keith by my side chuckling.

We entered the lounge, I scanned the students who were scattered across it few book selves paced at corners, it was bright, everybody held their head down in submission except 4 of them which included two boys and two girls. I stared at the girls one has an amused face and the other held a look of irritation as she glanced from me to the boy beside her, I looked at the boy, he was handsome with grey eyes as he studied me curiously, maybe he was her mate I thought and moved to the last boy who had a book in his hands and his eyes stared at me, I felt this weird feeling as I made contact with him, I quickly broke at and scanned others. Maybe they were the children of the Alpha of the Pack, they had Alpha aura but something mixed with it but I couldn't pinpoint what.

I thanked the administrator for showing us and telling us we would handle it from here, Keith mumbled a thank you in my mind, my eyes automatically found eyes of the boy with book as we stared at each other, the weird feeling returned stronger than the previous one but I dint break the contact, after few seconds he broke the contact and concentrated on his book. I made my way towards the couches which were near the door facing forward, I sat on it followed by my friends.

" What was that Lili , We could feel something was wrong with you" Amy asked with a concerned look thrown towards me by Keith.

" I don't know guys, I just got this weird feeling when I looked at the boy who has a book in his hands " I explained as they turned slightly to find the person with my description as they were settled on the single couches on my either side.

             "I don't sense any kind of danger through him," amy said, I was about to reply to her suddenly I tensed as he and his friends passed by me, Keith was now by my side with a concerned look. I looked at Caly she had a cloudy expression, which meant she was communicating with her wolf.  Her face held a confused expression.

" My wolf says he is not danger and especially not a for you" she mumbled with a frown , I had a great bonding with Caly's wolf.

" Maybe he is your mate, thats the reason you felt weird around him" Keith said to which i shook my head.

          " If he was her mate he would feel the bond and would be claming her in front of everyone" Amy told him before I could .

         "Let's go guys we have few minutes left before the class," I told dismissing our conversation and stood up to leave, being the good friends they are they dint push it further to which I was thankful.

          We had morning classes constist of Math, English and Economics which are common for us werewolves.vampires, witches and humans and after lunch we werewolves had fighting class along with were we were thought to control our wolves , vampires had class for their speed and control their thirst for blood ,witches had classes for witch craft and contorling of their magic while humans had usual art classes or left free. For all our classes we required to go deep in forest , we had different areas assingned for us and all the students from both the year attend the afternoon classes so that we could save time repeating for both the years instead learn more.

A/N : Soooo , how do you like the chapter ? why do you think Celimine felt weird around Lupus ? lemme know in the comments and if you like the chapter dont forget to hit the like button. Happy reading...

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