And on an even deeper level, he knew that he wanted to say the same to her.

As they walked, Delilah thought back to the previous night. Seeing the drawings, dancing together, sleeping side-by-side; there was no way he didn't feel at least something for her.


But there was still Aimee. They both knew that.

"So, how did the call with Aimee go last night?" Delilah asked, realising that she hadn't done so last night.

Joel's stomach felt hollow at how he had been thinking of Delilah when he was in search of Aimee.
But the conversation he had with the girl last night hadn't exactly quelled his insecurities.

He sighed heavily, "It started off well. But then she said that some survivors showed up at the camp. That's not something I gotta worry about, you don't think, right?"

Delilah gave him a strange look, "What? Why would you need to worry about that? Taking people in and saving people is a good thing, Joel."

"No, I know that, Lilah," he said quickly, speaking without thinking. "I mean, like, what are the odds that they're, like, awesome and similar to my age and potentially a threat to me romantically?"

Hopefully high, Delilah found herself thinking selfishly.
"I'm sure it's fine," she told him. "If you think your connection with her is that strong then you have nothing to worry about. "

"Okay, so you think I still have a chance. Probably," he nodded, still not appearing any less worried. "I think it's good, actually."

"Oh, is that so?" Delilah challenged, seeing the expression on his face. It was hard hearing him talk about the future of his relationship with Aimee. But Joel didn't know that she had been listening and from her point of view, Aimee wasn't as invested.

And Joel's reaction gave her the impression that maybe he wasn't hellbent as he had been to begin with. But that might have just been wishful thinking.

"I think we're totally, uh. . . fine," he said as he began to walk faster, looking back at the girl over his shoulder. "Actually, why don't we pick up the pace a little bit, just in case-"

"Joel!" Delilah shouted, grabbing his arm and yanking him back.

The boy had been so focused on moving faster, that he hadn't been paying attention to what was in front of him, which was a massive hole. Delilah had grabbed him just as he was about to fall into it.

Boy had barked and tried to warn him before he reached the hole, but he had been too preoccupied with talking to notice.

Joel stumbled backwards as Delilah pulled him back, tripping over his own feet as he did so and taking her with him. Delilah gasped as Joel landed on top of her, the wind being knocked straight out of her.

Boy came over to them both, walking around them and giving a short bark. It was like he was telling Joel off for not paying attention to him when he tried to warn him.

Joel used one of his hands to push against the ground, lifting himself up high enough that he could see her face. "Oh, God, I'm so sorry, Lilah."

"Get off of me," she grumbled, pushing his body away from her, her cheeks burning intensely. "And watch where you're going next time."

He fell to the side, climbing to his feet quickly and reaching a hand out to her. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"No shit," Delilah said curtly. She accepted his hand, letting him help her to her feet.

Joel turned around, looking at the hole he had almost been at the bottom of. "Why don't we go another way. Yeah?"

"Very observant of you, Joel," Delilah said, rolling her eyes. It was easier to push him away at this point.

𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐓 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 ≡ Joel Dawson (Pt. 2 on hold)Where stories live. Discover now